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THERE WAS STILL ANOTHER WEEK UNTIL THE BUDAPEST GRAND PRIX, so Lando stayed in London to catch up with Maggie and Angelina, the Mclaren headquarters was also in the UK so it made his life a bit easier to stay with the team

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THERE WAS STILL ANOTHER WEEK UNTIL THE BUDAPEST GRAND PRIX, so Lando stayed in London to catch up with Maggie and Angelina, the Mclaren headquarters was also in the UK so it made his life a bit easier to stay with the team.

It was a Friday night and Angelina was behind the bar, while Maggie walked around serving drinks and taking orders.

Lando was sat on a bar stool while Angelina made some cocktails for a group of girls who sat in the corner of the bar celebrating what looked like a 21st birthday.

"I really think you and Maggie should come to Budapest with us. Everyone misses you guys so much and they only see you at one race a year." Lando pleaded to Angelina.

"Hey, as long as you can pay for flights and get us free passes I'm in. It's Maggie you need to convince." Angelina said keeping total focus on the alcoholic liquids she was pouring into the glasses.

"What do you need to convince me about?" Maggie asked as she walked behind the bar to give the drinks order to Angelina and put the cash into the till that she had been handed by two men who sat in a booth.

"Please please please come to the Budapest GP." Lando spoke quickly, begging Maggie by putting on his best puppy dog eyes.

Maggie scoffed, "Yeah sure let me just get my thousands of dollars out of my savings to pay for flights and hotels." She said sarcastically.

Lando rolled his eyes, "I have offered plenty of times to pay for that stuff. Aren't your grandparents rich anyways?"

Maggie sent Lando a death glare not so subtly reminding him to not mention her family. Maggie loved her family, her brothers, although quite loud, were funny and kind when the situation allowed. Her parents were nice too, they helped Maggie pursue her dream to live in the UK. Maggie's grandparents however weren't so hot about her living on the other side of the planet. They liked their farm in Australia and they weren't too happy about how they never got to see their only granddaughter.

Maggie hated asking people for money. But alas every year on her birthday when her grandparents called her up they offered to give her a cheque that would leave her living situation rather comfortable. But Maggie always denied, she liked making her way in the world, doing things on her own, it made life so much more fulfilling.

But Maggie thought back to the motto she believed in. You have all the time in the world. And it was true. She was only 20, and that dreaded phone call from her grandparents would occur in only a few days. She considered for a moment accepting the cheque, but thought better of it. They might not even offer this year, she thought.

"Well anyways, Lando's gonna be here for your birthday this year so what are we doing?" Angelina asked.

"You know how I feel about my birthday. We don't have to do anything." Maggie said.

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