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THEY SAY TO MAKE THE MOST OF IT. Of moments, of memories, of life. Margaret "call me Maggie" Caulfield thought that was bullshit. I have all the time in the world, she thought. What's the rush?

The rush in fact was Maggie in this very moment. She had missed her alarm and was already late for work. Regrettably a common occurrence for the Australian. And to make matters worse her train had been delayed.

Maggie was born and raised in Sydney, Australia. She spent 18 years of her life with her two loving parents and 3 brothers. At 15 years old Maggie knew she wanted to leave Sydney. Unlike the rest of her siblings she despised the hot summers and the winters that weren't quite cold enough for snow. She never tanned and always came home pink and burnt from a day on the beach as apposed to her constantly bronze brothers who seemed to be the complete opposite of her.

So, when Maggie turned 18 she booked a flight and rented a flat in London, England. This is where she met her roommate and best friend Angelina, who worked at a bar near London's centre and eventually got Maggie a job there too.

It was this particular bar that Maggie was rushing to. Angelina had the opening shift and had left the flat hours prior to Maggie.

"Sorry. Sorry," Maggie continued to mumble apologies to strangers that she bumped into as she speed walked to the bar. She was looking down at her phone texting Angelina that she wasn't far when she felt her shoulder bump into something much harder. She looked up from her phone expecting to see a pole but instead found herself face to face with a man who had iced coffee spilt all over him.

"Shit. I'm so sorry. Fuck," she said partly to the man and to herself. "I'm so sorry I was looking at my phone and didn't even see you," she rambled on not letting the man get a word in looking at the mess on the sidewalk.

"Here, I'll give you this," she said and pulled the notepad from her pocket that she took orders on. On the paper she wrote her phone number and the words 'i owe you' underneath. She ripped the paper from the pad and handed it to him.

He took it and said, "Hey, it's okay."

She noticed his Australian accent and really looked at him for the first time, he looked kind of familiar but Maggie just couldn't place it. "Just give me a text or a call if you need anything. I live here so I can help you with anything if you get in a spot," she smiled, happy to lend the stranger a helping hand. "And look, I would totally buy you a new drink but I'm kind of in a rush to get to work and to be honest I'm scraping money together to pay for my flat," she rambled once again.

"It's all good," he said, "I live here too actually." The man was gorgeous. He had what Maggie imagined was quite soft hair. His dark brown eyes captured her for a moment longer before she brushed her thoughts of him away.

"Oh alright well I better head off but don't be a stranger!" she said slowly walking away.

Maggie waved her hand at him and he did the same.

"Wait!" he called not even 5 feet from her. She turned and continued to slowly walk backwards not wanting to waste any more time. "I didn't catch your name." He said.

"Margaret. But you can call me Maggie." She called.

"I'm Oscar." He said still standing in the spot that Maggie bumped into him with the iced coffee dripping down his shirt.

"Bye Oscar!" she waved and continued her rush towards the bar a smile stuck on her face at the polite stranger who seemed so familiar.

Okay so what do we think of the first chapter?
I'm actually so excited to write an oscar fanfic so please write if you have any ideas or suggestions of what you want to see in the story. thanks!
also, tell me if you like the short chapters or if you want them a bit longer :)

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