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MAGGIE AND ANGELINA CAUGHT A FLIGHT WITH LANDO ON HIS PRIVATE JET. Unbeknownst to the girls until they stepped on the plane, Oscar and Selina were also flying with them from Austin to Mexico.

The flight was pretty late at night, so Lando, Angelina, and Selina had fallen asleep in the beds on the plane.

Oscar sat on one of the comfy chairs reading a book while Maggie also stayed up, unable to fall asleep on the plane. She had a fear of flying and felt that the safest option was to be awake and alert incase something bad happened.

Maggie hated the awkwardness between her and Oscar. She understood that it was her actions that has caused the two to separate as friends, but she just wanted Oscar back, either as a friend or more.

She got up from her seat on the other end of the plane and walked over to where he was immersed in the pages of the small book in his hands.

"Sorry." She said to him and sat down in the seat next to him. He looked up from his book confused as to what the girl was apologising for, surely not their fight in her apartment, "For the bad result." She continued.

He shook his head and opened the book back up. "Not your fault." He said not looking at the girl.

"Oscar, can we just not be this awkward?" Maggie asked the boy.

He finally put down his book on the table in front of them and rested his hands on the table.

"I just-I really miss us. Our friendship." She continued placing a hand on his but quickly retracting it after realising how weird it was that she had done that.

"You really hurt me that night Maggie...and then you just...ran away. You stopped showing up to races, you unfollowed me on instagram. I missed you so much." He explained looking into her dark brown eyes.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, unable to believe that she caused the boy so much pain. "I thought you would never want to see me again. I ruined everything and I regret it all." She said.

"Well, I'm with Selina now, Maggie. You're a few months too late." He said. She couldn't read the emotions on his face not matter how hard she tried.

"I know. And I'm not trying to ruin that. I just want us to start again. Be friends again." She lied. She had never wanted him so bad and now she couldn't have him because she was stupid enough to reject him in the first place.

He stayed quiet for a moment thinking long and hard. Could they really just be friends? He missed Maggie so much, and if he couldn't have her as a girlfriend, a friend would have to do.

"Friends." He said and stuck out his hand to her. She took it and they shook hands, a promise that neither of them could really keep.

"Your hands are really sweaty." He smiled at the girl, finally.

"I'm sorry." She said, embarrassed. "Flying makes me nervous."

"Well then, you'll just have to find a distraction." He said.

"Actually, I have a great one." She said and whipped out her phone from her pocket. She clicked on Subway Surfers, her addiction the same as it was 5 months ago. Oscar went back to his book, but the music from the game distracted him from ready any further than one line. He let the girl play for a few minutes before he couldn't take it anymore. "Enough Subway Surfers, I think my ears might bleed." He complained.

"You're just jealous because you're not in the gold tier." She said matter of factly.

"I am not jealous." He said exasperated. "I've never even played before." He said as if it was obvious.

"You've never played!?" Maggie said, unable to believe her ears. "I'll teach you!" She said excited to teach Oscar her favourite game.

She handed her phone to the boy and explained the rules. She rested her cheek on his shoulder and he failed over and over again, the girl laughing every time he messed up.

Oscar was well aware of her cheek on his shoulder and tried his best to ignore the butterflies it gave him. He was happy to have Maggie as a friend again, but it would be difficult for him to ignore his old feelings for Maggie. Because that's what they were, old feelings. He was with Selina now and they had a really good relationship.

Oscar had distracted the girl so well, as they had been playing for nearly an hour. The pilot announced that they would be landing in 20 minutes and Maggie took her phone back from the boy.

"Thanks for distracting me." She smiled up at him. Even seated he was still taller than the girl.

"No problem." He said. He couldn't help but smile once he saw the smile on her face.

There was a small bump of turbulence and Maggie grabbed the closest thing to her which just happened to be Oscar.

"Sorry." She said once it was over, slowly letting go of the boys arm.

"It's okay," he said softly.

They continued to stare at one another, their faces quite close as Maggie had barely moved after grabbing onto him.

"That was a great nap." Selina interrupted the two, stretching her arms and walking out of the cabin where the beds were.

The two sprung apart and Maggie stood up from her seated position next to Oscar. "I better wake Lando and Angelina up. She hates to land when she's asleep." Maggie made up a dumb excuse and mentally scolded herself for something so unbelievable, and walked over to the area Selina has just exited from.

The blonde stole her seat that was next to Oscar, and Maggie closed the door behind her before she had to see the couple kiss. She could handle being around them when they were all lovey dovey, but watching them kiss would be like a knife to the heart. She wasn't sure if she could handle it just yet. She would have to get used to it if she was gonna be friends with Oscar again, but for now she would have to find ways to avoid the couple when they carried out their public displays of affection.

Yay they're friends again!
Also would yall want me to write other fanfics for more drivers?
I kinda wanna connect my characters if I do so I might do a danny ric one for him and Angelina.
Lmk what you think!
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Thanks again!

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