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WITH THE RESULTS P2 AND P5 THE BOYS HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO CELEBRATE WITH MAGGIE AND ANGELINA. The girls were so happy that the second half of the season was going well for Lando and Oscar after their tragic start.

The pulsating beats of the music echoed through the crowded club, creating an electrifying ambiance as Maggie, Angelina and the drivers celebrated. Oscar stood amidst the vibrant energy, sipping a non-alcoholic beverage with a relaxed smile. He had chosen to stay sober for the night, and was happy to be a designated driver for the group.

Maggie, on the other hand, was in her element, the life of the party. Her laughter resonated with the lively atmosphere as she danced with Angelina, and engaged in animated conversations with fellow racers. The dimly lit club became a kaleidoscope of colours as the lights pulsed to the rhythm of the music.

Oscar observed the festivities with amusement, appreciating the carefree spirit of the night. Angelina, catching sight of Oscar's composed presence, approached him with a teasing grin.

"Oscar, the man of the hour, enjoying the party without a drop of alcohol. Impressive!" she remarked, taking a sip from her own drink.

Oscar chuckled, "I prefer to keep a clear head, especially since I'm driving you guys back to the hotel. But I'm definitely enjoying the spectacle."

Angelina nodded knowingly. "Fair enough. More power to you, my friend."

Meanwhile, Maggie, fueled by the celebratory atmosphere, found herself in the midst of a lively dance-off with some of the other drivers. Her laughter filled the air as she twirled and spun, momentarily forgetting about the world outside the club.

As the night unfolded, Oscar and Maggie's paths crossed on the crowded dance floor. Maggie, fueled by a few too many drinks, greeted Oscar with an exuberant smile. "Oscar, join the fun! Loosen up a bit!"

Oscar, maintaining his composure, responded, "I'll leave the dancing to the experts, Maggie. But I'll cheer you on from the sidelines."

Maggie, undeterred, grabbed his hand and attempted to pull him into the dance. Oscar laughed, showing off his dance floor reluctance. The dynamic between the sober and the spirited added an amusing touch to the festivities.

As the night continued, with the music reaching its crescendo and the club vibrating with energy, Oscar watched Maggie's contagious joy and felt a sense of camaraderie with his fellow racers.

The club's vibrant atmosphere pulsated with music, laughter, and the swirling colours of lights. The spirited energy of the night, fuelled by a few too many drinks, had Maggie feeling bold and carefree.

As the evening progressed, Maggie couldn't ignore the fact that her heart raced a little faster whenever she was near Oscar. His presence had ignited a spark of admiration that she could no longer contain or ignore. In the midst of the laughter and the music, Maggie couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach whenever Oscar flashed his charming smile.

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