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MAGGIE WOKE UP THE NEXT DAY WITH A THROBBING HEADACHE. She hadn't had that much to drink for quite a while.

She sat up and looked over to Angelina's bed and saw that the bed was empty. She's probably in Daniel's room Maggie thought flopping back on the bed.

She reached her arm out to grab her phone and looked at the time. 10:07am. She had one new message notification, so she opened her phone to see what it said.

Maybe: Selina Baker
hey maggie, it's selina. wanna go shopping with oscar and i today?

Maggie was shocked at the invite but wanted to go and get to know Selina better. Knowing that she didn't want to be a third wheel she decided to ask if she could invite Lando.


hey maggie, it's selina. wanna go shopping with oscar and i today?

yeah i would love to. can i bring lando as well?

yeah definitely

Maggie then hopped out of bed and went through her suitcase trying to find an outfit to wear. She had messaged Lando and he happily agreed to come along. She also quickly messaged Angelina, telling the girl where she went so she wouldn't be too worried about Maggie not being in their bedroom.

Once she was dressed she walked down the hall to Lando's door and knocked on it.

He opened it straight away and stood on the threshold with one hand still holding onto the door.

"Ready to go?" Maggie asked him.

"Yep." He said and locked the door behind him.

The two got in an elevator to the lobby and found Selina and Oscar already there waiting for the two.

"Hey guys!" Selina said cheerfully.

Maggie had no idea what she had taken to be completely okay after last night, but was shocked to see the girl so energetic at 10:40 in the morning.

"Hey." Lando said, smiling, clearly okay because he had nothing to drink.

Maggie felt like the odd one out, sunglasses on her face, seeming to be the only one sporting a terrible hangover.

The four of them caught a taxi into the city ready for a day of walking and shopping.

Maggie wasn't the biggest fan of Mexico, but had a soft spot for the amazing food. She loved spice, and Mexico was the home town of it.

They walked the city streets browsing stores until Oscar walked beside Maggie, jogging to catch up with her after lingering behind with Selina for most of the day.

"Mags, they have a piano." He pointed out, gesturing in the distance to an old piano that sat next to an alleyway between two stores.

She looked in the directed he pointed.

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