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AFTER THEIR DAY OUT DURING THE QUALIFYING, Maggie and Angelina found themselves in the Williams garage with Lily on race day

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AFTER THEIR DAY OUT DURING THE QUALIFYING, Maggie and Angelina found themselves in the Williams garage with Lily on race day.

The drivers were still arriving at the paddock and Maggie had yet to see either Lando or Oscar. After knowing the boys for so long she knew they wouldn't be early as both boys had a knack for showing up late.

"I'm so happy you're here, I feel like I haven't seen you for ages Maggie." Lily said as the three girls sat at a table together.

"Yeah it's nice to be back." Maggie smiled at the girl. "I just needed a little break from everything."

Angelina and Lily nodded in understanding as Maggie saw Alex walk over to them.

"Hey Albono." Maggie waved to the boy.

"Hey Mags. Angie." He nodded to the girls and wrapped his arms around Lily's shoulders from behind. "Lando just got here. He's looking for you guys."

"Do you know of Oscar is..." Maggie slowly stopped talking as she saw Alex shake his head, indicating that the boy wasn't here, which Maggie expected, he was always late. "Okay." She looked at Angelina silently asking with her eyes if they should go meet up with the boy.

"Let's go then." Maggie said and hopped up from her seat. "See you around."

"Yeah we'll come back here before the race, but if we don't see you, good luck Alex." Maggie said to the couple.

They both smiled and waved at the girls as they walked in the direction of the McLaren garage.

Maggie's eyes kept wandering around, trying to see if she could spot Oscar and figure out the quickest route to run away.

She always thought about how he was doing, if he was as heartbroken as her. But then she remembered the reason she lied to him in the first place, to protect him from the inevitable heartbreak if they were to be together.

"Oh my god, relax." Angelina said, noticing that Maggie was looking in every direction as they walked the paddock.

"I'm sorry. I haven't been here for months. What if he's shaved his head or worse, what if he's gotten even more good looking." Maggie groaned.

"I can't tell you right now that he hasn't shaved his head. Actually you've reminded me, don't freak out but Oscar has a..." Angelina began, but stopped talking when she noticed Oscar walking through the paddock. And he wasn't alone. Maggie stopped in her tracks and couldn't believe her eyes. He was there, holding hands with another girl. She was blonde and beautiful, Maggie even thought she looked familiar. "...girlfriend." Angelina finished.

They both stood there just looking at the couple. "Is that Selina Baker?" Angelina asked Maggie. That was why she looked familiar. She was a fucking supermodel.

"I-I gotta...go." Maggie said and turned on her heel.

But before she could move a few meters Angelina grabbed her arm. "You have to face this now or never. And what would Lando think if you just didn't visit him?"

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