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BEING THE MANAGER OF THE BAR THEY WORKED AT, Angelina had to get back to London as soon as she could

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BEING THE MANAGER OF THE BAR THEY WORKED AT, Angelina had to get back to London as soon as she could.

With the help of Oscar's persuasion skills, Lando had convinced Maggie to come to Belgium with them. Spa was one of Lando's favourite races and he was so excited for Maggie to watch him race for the third time in a row.

The Belgium Grand Prix consisted of a sprint and a race. Maggie and the Mclaren team had been in Spa since the Tuesday leading up to the race, with maggie once again being put in the same hotel as Lando and Oscar for "protection" as Lando put it.

The boys had their qualifying for the sprint and race and Maggie didn't feel like going. So she laid on the bed in her hotel room facing the roof, talking to Angelina on the phone.

"So you're telling me you've been in Belgium with Oscar for 3 days and you haven't even hung out with him?"

"It's hard. I feel so awkward being around him. I mean, after we went clubbing in Budapest I feel like our dynamic changed or something. I'm just so fucking annoyed that I can't remember what happened. I mean I know he obviously drove me there but I must have said something to him when he took me to my room because I think he's been avoiding me."

"Oh my god Maggie, stop rambling. If you care so much there is one simple answer. Just talk to him. If you're worried just ask him."

"You are no help. I would never do that...Oh my God."


"Nothing. I just have to go."

"What? Why?"

"Bye Angie!"

Maggie hung up on the Brit rather abruptly as she had remembered part of the night.

"Oscar wait!" She said and urgently sat up. "Can you please stay?"

"I don't know if that's such a good idea Maggie. You probably won't even remember any of this tomorrow morning." He said warning her so she wouldn't regret letting him stay over.

She stood up so she was face to face with him. "Yeah you're right. Goodnight Oscar." Then she gave him a kiss on the cheek and squeezed his hand.

"Night Mags." He breathed and left her alone in the hotel room.

Maggie's mind raced as she replayed the recent encounter with Oscar in Budapest. The fragments of memory slowly came back, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and embarrassment.

Shit, she thought, no wonder he's been so awkward.

little lando norris

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