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IT WAS THE SECOND DAY ON THE YACHT, and everyone wanted to go out that night

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IT WAS THE SECOND DAY ON THE YACHT, and everyone wanted to go out that night.

They spent the whole day in the water once again, going on the jet-skis and swimming around.

Maggie and Angelina sat in their room doing their makeup for the big night out. The boat had docked somewhere in Monaco for the night and the girls were excited to get their party on.

"What are the odds of you ending up in Daniel's bed tonight?" Maggie asked the Brit, noticing how close the two had been over the past couple of weeks, especially on the night of the Hungary GP celebration.

"Let's just say, I have a plan." Angelina smirked, applying mascara to her eyelashes.

"I don't wanna hear anything." Maggie said, a slightly disgusted look on her face.

Angelina laughed at the Australian. "What about you and Oscar huh? You two have been kinda close recently."

Maggie sighed putting her eyeliner down. "Actually we did have a moment." She admitted.

"And you didn't tell me!?" Angelina said, outraged.

"Well after he crashed in Spa he was obviously upset. So I followed him into his drivers room to help calm him down. We ended up sitting on the couch and he said that I always knew what to say. Then we kinda sat there and I thought he was gonna kiss me but Tom knocked on the door before anything happened." Maggie explained.

"Oh my god. He's so into you." Angelina said excitedly.

"Well I don't know what I want okay? I really did want him to kiss me but, I'm glad he didn't. I don't want to ruin my friendship with him. He acted as if it never happened anyway." Maggie said.

"What a dick. Also screw your friendship. Oscar is perfect for you Maggie. I don't know how you don't see it." Angelina said.

It wasn't that Maggie didn't like Oscar. She really did. She just didn't think she was the right one for him. She had a few boyfriends in the past and each one had broken up with her. She decided that the common factor there was herself. She had to be screwing up these relationships somehow and she would rather just stay friends with Oscar than have him break her heart. It was better for everyone that way.

"I just wanna be friends with him okay? It's final." Maggie said wanting to end the conversation.

Angelina shook her head but didn't say anything more.

"You girls ready yet? Max and Daniel want to get going." Lando said, peeking his head in the doorway.

"Give us a minute norizz." Angelina said doing some final touches on her face, Maggie laughed at the bad joke.

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