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QUALIFYING WAS MUCH BETTER FOR OSCAR IN MEXICO with him starting P7 on the grid. Lando however had a tragic quali lap and placed P19 on the starting grid.

Maggie and Angelina were in their hotel room, it was the night before the Mexican Grand Prix and Maggie was hoping that Lando could make up some places during the race.

Angelina was already asleep in her bed while Maggie watched Netflix on her phone, trying to stay warm under the bed covers.

are you awake?

Maggie was shocked by the notification that had popped up on her phone. She swiped out of Netflix and sat up a little wondering why the boy was messaging her at 11:30pm before race day.


are you awake?

yeah. why are you?

can't sleep

shouldn't you be talking to your girlfriend?

she's asleep

maybe you should follow in her footsteps

this subway surfers game is so difficult

nah ur just bad

meet me by the elevator
seen 11:37pm

Maggie didn't know what to do. Should she meet Oscar so late at night? She felt like she was betraying Selina but then again, they weren't going to do anything bad.

So, Maggie hopped out of bed and put on her Ugg boots quietly sneaking out of her and Angelina's shared room to meet Oscar by the elevator on the floor they both happened to be staying on.

She walked closer to the elevator doors and saw Oscar standing there, arms crossed, leaning against the wall with nothing but a pair of plaid pyjama pants and a white short sleeve shirt on.

"Why are we meeting here at..." Maggie checked the time on her phone, "11:43pm on a Saturday?"

"I'm bored." He said, dragging out the O. "Plus I want to sneak around the hotel really late at night. I thought it'd be fun." He said smiling at the brunette.

"Okay fine." Maggie agreed and Oscar pressed the down button on the elevator.

The two stepped in and Oscar pressed the button that would lead them to the ground floor.

It was weirdly awkward between them as they stood in silence in the elevator. Maggie occasionally looking at Oscar, and then quickly looking away; and Oscar occasionally looking at Maggie, and then quickly looking away.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the elevator dinged, signalling their arrival on the ground floor.

Oscar led the way walking out to the dark open space first, closely followed by Maggie who didn't want to lose the boy.

"I have never seen the ground floor to a hotel so empty." Oscar said softly, his voice echoing around the darkly lit room.

"Oh wow a piano." Maggie pointed out walking over to the black grand piano and sitting on the seat in front of it.

"Do you play?" Oscar asked standing behind the girl.

"I used to when I was younger, but I don't play much anymore." She explained, fingers grazing over the black and white keys.

"Will you play something?" He asked, coming to sit down on the bench next to the girl.

She nodded her head at the boys request and began to play her mum's favourite, Fur Elise. She knew it was a bit basic, but when she was little she always enjoyed seeing the look on her mothers face when she played the song on their home piano, even if it was a little keyboard.

Oscar watched her play, enamoured by how fast her fingers moved and how she didn't get one note wrong. She quickly finished the piece and kept her fingers placed on the key to end the song.

"Wow." Oscar said amazed, unable to contain his smile.

"Thanks." Maggie said shyly.

"Can you teach me something?" He asked, hopeful.

Maggie laughed a little, "Sure."

She began to teach him hot crossed buns but for some reason his fingers just couldn't get the notes correct. She had to place her hand over his and press down on the keys for him. Their bodies were so close, their faces inches apart, as Maggie focused on the piano, and Oscar focused on the girl.

"Do you get it now?" She asked looking up and seeing Oscar's eyes weren't that far away from her own.

"Yeah." He breathed.

They stayed like that for a moment. Maggie's hand gently resting on his, their lips so close that if even one of them moved forward that they would touch.

It took everything in Maggie to use her willpower and put a stop to something that might occur.

She shook her head, like she was coming out of a trance and retracted her hand from his, moving herself away from him in the process. "We should probably head back. Zac will have my head if you're not well rested for the race." She joked.

Oscar's eyes flickered with disappointment for a moment but he soon agreed with the girl. "Yeah you're right. I have a race to win." He smiled.

They both got up from the seat and walked back over to the elevator. They hopped in and took the short ride up to level 3, the tension somehow even more awkward than the ride down.

"Goodnight Mags." Oscar said to the girl as they exited the elevator and walked towards their respective rooms. Maggie silently noting the reuse of her nickname from his lips.

"Goodnight Oscar." She replied, walking over to her door and flashing him one last soft smile before entering her room.

Her mind was rushing with the thoughts of what could have happened if she didn't stop it. Would Oscar have really risked his relationship to kiss her? Definitely not. She must have imaged the tension. It was late at night and the room was dark. That's what it was.

She snuck back into bed and fell asleep thinking about the race the next day, and what would have happened if she had just acted rationally in Monaco and stayed with Oscar after all.

I feel like this is a shorter chapter and lowkey a filler but we move.
Anyways thanks so much again for all the voting and commenting I love to see it xx

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