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She was never that much into formula 1 until she met Lando. Crazily enough, Maggie had a knack for spilling drinks.

Angelina and Maggie went clubbing in town, when a more than tipsy Maggie stumbled into a young Lando Norris from behind, knocking him into a tall table that he and his friends were stood around.

"I'm soooo sorry," Maggie slurred noticing the pools of beer on the table.

"Good one mate," Lando said shaking the beer from his hands.

"Hey! I said I was sorry." Maggie furrowed her brows not sure what else the Brit wanted from her.

"Excuse my friend. He has a tendency to speak before he thinks." A young Max Fewtrell apologised coming to stand beside Lando.

"Look I'm broke at the moment mate so I can't really buy you another round but here, give me your phone and if you need a favour I'll be happy to oblige." Maggie relented.

"Yeah alright." Lando said giving his phone to the Australian so she could give him her number.

"My name's Maggie, by the way." She added looking up from his phone to introduce herself.

"I'm Max and this is Lando." Max kindly introduced.

"Good to meet you." She smiled and turned around trying to find Angelina in the large crowd on the dance floor.

"She was sooo trying to get in your pants." Max said to Lando as they watched the brunette stumble away.

"Yeah. Whatever." Lando dismissed and turned around again to talk with the rest of his friends as if nothing had happened.

A few days later Lando had messaged the girl using up the favour she offered to ask her opinion on what he should get his mum for mother's day. She helped him pick out a nice handbag for her. Lando really did trust her opinions after that day and found her to be a good friend to have. As they talked more over the phone Maggie discovered he was a racing driver. 'A proper famous one' as she had said to him. He pestered her into watching a race of his but she found the cars a little noisy and the people a little snobby.

But as her and Lando became close friends she met some of the drivers he too was friends with and became close with them too, making her excited to catch up with some of the boys at the Silverstone Grand Prix.

"Ready yet?" Maggie called from the living room.

"Yep!" Angelina replied walking down the small hallway.

The two brunettes caught an uber to the track and used the passes that Lando had dropped off a few days ago to get themselves into the paddock.

"Let's go to the hospitality. I'm starving," Angelina complained.

"Let's just say hi to Lando first before we make ourselves at home," Maggie teased.

They waked through the paddock, both girls giving small waves to some of the drivers who recognised them or knew them through Lando. 

They made their way to the entrance of the Mclaren garage with Maggie texting Lando that they had arrived, her head down invested in her phone.

"Hey." Lando greeted walking over to the girls, "So you actually came."

"Don't get too snobby we came for the free food." Maggie joked looking up from the device and putting it in her back pocket.

Lando shook his head at the girl whilst smiling. "Seen anyone you know?" he asked.

"Just some small hello's to a few of the boys." Maggie shrugged.

"Seen Daniel anywhere?" Angelina asked suggestively. Lando and Maggie were well aware of her crush on the boy laughing at her remark.

As Daniel was Lando's teammate for the past two years they got to know him pretty well from all of the partying. Angelina thought he was 'super cute' and had been crushing on him from the moment they met.

Angelina and Maggie hadn't been introduced to his teammate for the 2023 season yet. Maggie just assumed he was shy and wasn't big on meeting new people.

"Haven't seen him yet, but if I do I definitely won't let you know." Lando teased Angelina.

Angelina pouted. "Okay well we better head over to hospitality before this one gets hangry." Maggie said patting the top of Angelina's head.

Lando chuckled. "Alright then, leave me. It's not like a gave you guys free passes or anything."

"You're so right!" Maggie said sarcastically.

"Wait. You haven't met my teammate yet." Lando said his eyes brightening at the thought of his two old friends meeting his new one. As this was the first race the two girls were attending Lando was excited to finally introduce them to each other.

"Make this quick my stomach is starting to growl." Angelina said with her shoulders slumped.

Lando ignored the girls remark and turned to look into the Mclaren garage to see if he could spot his teammate.

"Hey, Oscar!" he called gesturing for Oscar to come over to him, "There's some people I want you to meet."

Oscar walked over to where Lando stood seeing the two brunette girls in front of him. "I'd like you to meet Angelina and-"

"Maggie." He cut Lando off staring intently at the Australian. Now Maggie knew where she had seen him. Lando had shown her a picture at the start of the year of him, explaining how he was sad that Daniel was leaving but that he was excited to be the oldest teammate. She didn't care much when Lando showed her, but finally realised where she had seen him.

"Wow that was a really good guess." Lando said surprised that Oscar had guessed his friends name.

Maggie rolled her eyes at his stupidity, "We've met before you idiot." She said to Lando who made an O with his mouth in realisation.

"You have?" Angelina asked only recognising Oscar from the Mclaren instagram posts. She followed the teams instagram so she could keep tabs on Lando and congratulate him on his results throughout the year.

"Yeah this is the guy I bumped into on the street and spilt iced coffee all over." Maggie explained. Lando was still confused but Angelina nodded her head in understanding. "You still haven't used that 'i owe you' you know," Maggie directed at Oscar.

"Didn't have any favours to cash in." He shrugged hands in his pockets.

"Well there you go. What a small world we live in." Lando marvelled.

"We better go I can hear Angelina's stomach from here." She joked, "Good luck though guys. We'll be watching." She smiled.

"Yeah good luck," Angelina said.

Then the two girls walked in the direction of the hospitality area, thoughts rushing through Maggie's head. What a small world indeed.

okay chapter three! oscar and maggie finally have more than 1 interaction. i definitely have some thoughts on how this book is gonna go but if anyone has anything they want me to include don't be afraid to comment!

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