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WHEN THEY ARRIVED IN THEIR HOTEL IN SAO PAULO, Maggie was shocked to see Selina in the lobby

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WHEN THEY ARRIVED IN THEIR HOTEL IN SAO PAULO, Maggie was shocked to see Selina in the lobby.

"Selina! What are you doing here?" Oscar asked, clearly shocked but walking over to hug his girlfriend nonetheless.

"My shoot finished early, and I have a swimsuit ad to film here anyways so I decided to surprise you guys." She smiled at him, then looking over to where Maggie and Lando stood beside one another.

Maggie turned around to face Lando, allowing the couple to catch up.

"I didn't know that had modelling stuff here." Lando thought aloud.

Maggie just shrugged.

"Here's your guys room keys." Pato said walking over from the front desk.

Maggie and Lando plucked the keys from his hand with a small thanks, the Aussie in quite a rush to head to the elevator and go to her room.

The door was about to close when someone's hand was shoved through the middle, opening to show Oscar and Selina holding hands with their luggage beside them. Maggie gave them a tight smile and returned her eyes to the floor.

"Media day tomorrow right?" Selina asked Oscar.

"Yep." He said.

"Maggie would you want to do something with me then?" Selina asked.

Maggie whipped her head up at the mention on her name. "Um yeah sure." She said.

The elevator doors finally opened and Maggie rushed out first, heading straight to her room and closing the door a little too hard.

She leaned against the door looking into her room. She couldn't handle being a third wheel any longer. This weekend she had to tell Oscar. Once she did a weight would be lifted off her shoulders. She just had to find the right time.

"I was thinking we could go to the paddock with the boys. I know it's media day, but that means we get to watch them do stupid shit and make fun of themselves." Maggie said to Selina in the elevator down to the lobby.

The boys had left early that morning and both girls wanted a sleep in, so they decided to catch a taxi to the circuit and, for Maggie, visit all the other drivers after not seeing much of them the past few weeks.

"Okay yeah that sounds good. Lots of blackmail right?" Selina joked.

"Exactly." Maggie agreed.

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