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IT WAS QUALIFYING THE NEXT DAY, and Maggie sat with Pato in the McLaren garage

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IT WAS QUALIFYING THE NEXT DAY, and Maggie sat with Pato in the McLaren garage. Selina had left early that morning leaving a note to let Maggie know she would return to America for a while.

It was raining during Q3 and Lando was going to end up starting 7th. Oscar however spun off track immediately, leaving him starting 10th.

"He's not gonna be happy." Pato said to Maggie.

"Something's off. He's definitely go in his own head about something." Maggie replied.

The two watched the screen as Oscar was interviewed about the qualifying, him blaming his placement on the rain.

"I'm gonna check on him. Can you ask Lando when he wants to head off? And tell him to text me." Maggie asked Pato, getting out of her seat.

"Sure thing." He smiled at the girl.

Maggie gave him a tight lipped smile in return and wandered off to find Oscar.

After a few minutes of walking through the paddock Maggie was drenched. She didn't have an umbrella, and her jacket didn't have a hood, leaving her hair dripping wet.

"Mags. What are you doing?" She heard from behind her.

Maggie turned to her left and saw Oscar standing next to the Williams garage, umbrella in one hand, and his phone in the other.

"Just taking a walk." She said walking over to him and standing under his umbrella.

"You're drenched." He pointed out, pickling up a strand of her hair and dropping it.

"Thanks captain obvious." Maggie rolled her eyes.

They looked at each other for a moment before Maggie said, "what happened out there?"

"Just had no grip." He explained, not able to look her in the eyes.

"Look Oscar, I know the past day has been hard on you. But you just need to focus and get in the zone. Selina is gone and she's not coming back. So prove to yourself that you deserve that McLaren seat." Maggie said, giving the boy some tough love.

"Wow Maggie I didn't know you could be so inspirational." Oscar cracked a smile, looking down at his phone quickly.

Maggie glanced at the screen and saw a large amount of messages from Oscar to...Selina.

"Jesus Oscar." Maggie said, eyeing his phone still.

He quickly turned it off and shoved it in his pocket. "It's nothing." He mumbled.

"Good luck for tomorrow." Maggie said, choosing to ignore what she saw.

"Thanks." He said, finally looking her in the eye again.

Maggie turned and walked back into the rain heading towards that McLaren garage so Lando could drive her back to the hotel.

"Wait Maggie!" Oscar shouted over the rain.

She turned to look at the boy.

"Take this." He said, shrugging off his rain jacket.

"No you keep it. It's cold." She said, stating the obvious.

"I'm not dumb. If you stay out in the rain any longer you'll be the one catching a cold. Just wear it and keep the hood on. You're literally shivering." He said shoving the jacket into her arms.

Maggie hadn't noticed but she was shivering slightly. She gave in and put the jacket on, the heat from Oscar's body still there. She pulled the hood over her head. "Thanks." She said.

He just nodded his head and the two parted ways, his cologne lingering on the jacket, making Maggie feel even warmer.

Maggie returned to the McLaren garage and found Pato talking to Lando. She walked over to the two and swung her arms around their shoulders. "Hey." She smiled.

"Ew you're so wet." Lando said shrugging her arm off his shoulder.

"Whose jacket is that?" Pato asked.

Maggie removed her arm from his shoulder and put her hands in the jacket pockets. "Oscar's. He didn't want me to catch a cold." She said and rolled her eyes.

Lando looked at her skeptically but brushed it off. "Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep." She said jumping on her toes a little.

They then said their goodbyes to Pato and headed towards Lando's car to drive back to the hotel.

"So Oscar's jacket huh?" Lando teased as they sat in the car.

"It's not a big deal. I don't know why you're acting so weird." Maggie retorted.

"I'm just saying, the guy broke up with his girlfriend yesterday. Give him some time to heal." Lando said focusing on the road.

"I'm not trying anything with him if that's what you're implying. I didn't even want the stupid jacket." Maggie said, sliding down her seat a little. "What about you and Selina huh?" Maggie accused the Brit.

"I told her that I couldn't. Oscar is my best mate. It just wouldn't be right." He explained.

"So you like her back?"

"Well she's really pretty and funny, I just- I can't."

"Okay." Maggie said, getting the hint that Lando wanted to stop talking about it. "Are we doing anything tomorrow night after the race?"

"Well, when I win we can go out." Lando joked.

"Okay so what are we doing?" Maggie said, a cheeky smile on her face.

"You're my best friend and you really have no hope in me." Lando shook his head.

"I thought Oscar was your best friend? Anyways, if you do well we can go out. Definitely. I have faith in P2, you are Lando Norris after all."

"Yeah I just have to make up 6 positions." He said sarcastically, pulling up to the hotel.

"Well, if anyone can do it, it's you." She said, actually meaning it.

"Thanks." He mumbled, getting out of the car and handing the keys to the valet.

Maggie followed behind him as they got into the elevator. "Sleep well," Maggie said as they got out of the elevator. "You have a race to come second in!"

"Ha ha." Lando said, his face deadpan.

She waved him goodbye and walked into her hotel room, thinking about Oscar and how she would have to stay friends with him for just a little bit longer than she had planned.

Another chapter finished!
Thanks so much for the love and support on this book I appreciate every single one of yall xx

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