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WHEN MAGGIE WOKE UP SHE DIDN'T RECOGNISE HER SURROUNDINGS. She blinked a few times and couldn't see Angelina's bed anywhere in sight. Instead she felt a weight over her waist and a warm presence on her back.

She turned her head slightly to see Oscar sleeping behind her and his arm gently resting on her waist. He didn't have a shirt on, and Maggie quickly realised she only sported underwear and what she assumed to be one of Oscar's shirts.

Shit, she thought. Shit, shit, shit.

She gently picked up his arm and removed it from her person, placing it next to him. He shuffled a little, but stayed asleep.

She then slowly crept from under the sheets of his bed and stood up. She quickly grabbed her dress and heels from the night before and started for the door.

She placed her hand on the doorknob and gave the boy one last look before she turned it and snuck away.

"I-you-what?" Lando said. He stood stunned in the hallway, a hoodie and some shorts on eating a bowl of cereal.

"If you even utter one more word I swear to god i will kill you." Maggie replied, her hand falling from door handle on the outside of Oscar's bedroom.

He put one hand up in surrender and walked backwards very slowly.

She watched the boy for a second before rolling her eyes and walking back to her shared room with Angelina.

She opened the door rather quickly and stepped into the room. She rested her back on the door and closed her eyes trying to figure out what had happened.

She had slept with Oscar, that much was obvious. She just didn't know what to do about it. On one hand it was probably the best night of her life, he was so caring and was always asking if she was okay. On the other hand it was the biggest mistake of her life, she loved her friendship with Oscar and taking things to the next level would just leave her heartbroken. She didn't want to get attached to him, so the best way would be to avoid him. And that's precisely what Maggie did.

After realising that Angelina had spent the night with Daniel due to their empty bedroom Maggie began to pack her bags. She decided she would get a flight from Monaco to London. She needed to get back to work and her apartment, she worried her plants were dead.

"What are you doing?" Angelina asked standing in the doorway watching the Australian cross the room to put things in her suitcase.

"I'm packing. There's only one day left anyways and I need to make sure my planets aren't dead." Maggie said not looking at the girl but instead moving things around in her suitcase to everything could fit.

"Okay something bad obviously happened because I saw you go home with Oscar last night and now you're running away." Angelina reasoned staying in her position in the doorway.

"I slept with Oscar and now everything's ruined." Maggie said throwing her hands down and finally looking at the Brit, "and I'm not 'running away' I just really need to check on my plants."

"How is everything ruined?" Angelina asked raising an eyebrow.

"If I get attached to Oscar or god forgive date him, he's gonna get bored of me. I've been through this scenario one thousand times, and I don't want to end up heartbroken again. It sucks. Oscar and I are better as friends, it's in everyone's favour if we just stay that way." Maggie explained.

"Have you even talked to Oscar about this?" Angelina asked still not really understanding how Maggie thought Oscar would get bored of her.

"I don't need to. I'm going and it's final. Say goodbye to everyone for me." Maggie said zipping up her suitcase and standing next to it.

"I don't think that's your shirt hun." Angelina pointed out, knowing there was no way she could convince Maggie that Oscar was a good guy unlike all of the other dicks she had dated.

"Fuck," she breathed looking down at Oscar's shirt that came just past her ass.

She then turned around and walked into their on suite to change into some of Angelina's clothes.

"You don't mind if I wear this do you?" Maggie asked walking out of the bathroom in a summer dress.

"Go for it." She said. "Look Maggie I think you're making a really big mistake here. Running from Oscar isn't going to solve whatever has happened." Angelina said putting a hand on the Australians shoulder.

"I'm not running." She said firmly. She pushed Angelina's hand off her and moved past her to leave the room.

Angelina sighed and shook her head but didn't say anything more.

Maggie waited at the gate to her plane with her headphones on. She had her phone on silent after being bombarded with messages from the drivers and their girlfriends. She chose not to answer any of them, waiting until she got back to London before she faced anyone.

Notification Centre

little lando norris
maggie where did you go?
delivered 9:26am
little lando norris
angie just told be you're going back to london. what happened?
delivered 10:03am

danny ric
angie told me everything. just get home safe
delivered 10:17am

lily <3
hope you're okay xx
delivered 10:01am

mags where did you go?
delivered 9:16am
are you okay?
delivered 9:27am
did i do something wrong?
delivered 9:31am
we don't have to talk about it
delivered 9:34am
i can forget about it. i just dont want you to leave me
delivered 9:38am

maybe: max fewtrell
can i borrow your camera?
delivered 10:33am

"Flight 36 now boarding." Maggie faintly heard the announcement and went to line up to board the plane.

She decided to respond only to Max's message before she got on.

maybe: max fewtrell

yeah sure

maybe: max fewtrell
thanks mate
read 11:01am

She the returned her phone to her back pocket and prepared herself to go back to London.

oop drama!
thanks for all the votes i appreciate it so much guys
anyways don't forget to comment
also updates might get a bit slower because i stated school again so just a pre warning x

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