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MAGGIE, ANGELINA, LANDO, AND MAX SPENT THE REST OF THE DAY TOGETHER. After pestering Maggie to get dressed faster, the group made their way to the streets of London.

"The weather is so nice today." Angelina said twirling around and feeling the warm sun on her skin.

"Well my mum always said, 'if you've been good, you have good weather on your birthday'." Maggie said smiling at her friend.

"That's such bullshit." Max said as they continued to walk to an unknown destination for lunch.

"Always the pessimist Maxie." Maggie teased, pinching one of his cheeks. He swatted her hand away as Lando laughed at the interaction.

"This place looks nice." Lando said as they walked towards a fancy restaurant. The others nodded their heads in agreement and walked into the building.

As a waiter guided them towards a table, Maggie noticed a familiar face eating lunch alone.

"Is that Oscar?" Maggie whispered to Angelina as they sat down.

Angelina whipped her head towards the direction that Maggie was looking in, "Oh my God. I think it is. We should invite him to eat lunch with us, he looks so lonely." Angelina pouted feeling bad for the boy.

It was at that moment that Oscar lifted his head and looked in the direction of the two girls. It was too late for Maggie to pretend she didn't see him so she gave him a soft smile and a small wave. He smiled back and returned her wave.

"Who are you waving at?" Lando asked looking in the direction Maggie was looking. "Oscar!" Lando called, much too loud for a restaurant earning some looks from people who were enjoying their lunch in peace.

Lando ignored them and gestured for him to come over to their table. Maggie was suspicious that the exact restaurant that Lando had chosen, Oscar just so happened to be eating at but she brushed it off as a coincidence.

"Hi guys." He said keeping eye contact with Maggie.

"You should come eat with us." Angelina suggested.

"Oh I don't want to intrude, plus I've just eaten. Have a nice time though." He smiled, "The chicken sandwich is really good." He added.

"You should at least come out with us tonight. It's Maggie's birthday were gonna have a celebration with the rest of the drivers." Lando added wrapping an arm around Oscar's shoulders.

"It's your birthday?" Oscar asked Maggie.

"Um yeah." She said feeling a little awkward from all the attention.

"Happy birthday then. I'll definitely see if I can make it tonight." Oscar said nodding his head.

He gave his goodbyes to the group, collected his things from his table and headed towards the front of the restaurant so he could pay for his meal.

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