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THE FLIGHT TO BRAZIL WAS EXCESSIVELY LONG. It was roughly 11 hours long and Maggie was over it 2 hours in. She flew with the McLaren team in their private jet; Angelina flying back to England, not wanting to be away from home for too long, and Selina going back to America for a few modelling jobs.

Lando sat with his sunglasses on his face, mouth hanging open, quite obviously asleep.

Maggie sat across from him, head in her hand, so very bored with nothing to do.

Oscar sat diagonal from her on the other side of the aisle on his phone. Maggie assumed he was messaging Selina, but little did she know he was actually playing subway surfers trying desperately hard to improve his skills in the game.

Oscar felt eyes on him and looked up from his phone, the character in the game smashing into a train.

Maggie quickly diverted her eyes from the boy and looked out the window instead

Oscar just smiled to himself and shook his head at the girls antics. Going back to his game.

Maggie got up from her seat and sat down across from Oscar, saying in a sing-song voice, "Whatchya doin?"

Oscar looked at the girl through his eyelashes, not wanting to lose complete focus on the game. "Playing Subway Surfers." He explained.

"Gotten any better?" Maggie asked.

"Eh." He replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"I didn't say anything embarrassing when we got drunk in Mexico did I?" She suddenly asked.

Oscar smiled remembering their conversation after dinner that night. He had missed having Maggie around, missed her compliments and cute- He cut his thoughts off, shaking his head a little.

He put his phone down and finally made proper eye contact with Maggie. "Mmm don't think so." He lied.

"Okay good. I don't remember much after dinner that night." She explained.

"Really?" He smiled.

"What?" Maggie asked, clueless as to what he was referring to. "What happened? What did I say?"

"Oh Oscar, you look so pretty in the moonlight." He mocked her, making his voice slightly higher to try and sound like the girl.

Maggie pushed his shoulder from across the table between them. "You're lying! I did not say that." Maggie scoffed, finding what he said truly unbelievable, a small blush covering her cheeks in embarrassment.

"Well you did. And then you took it back after your insisted you weren't drunk." Oscar said unable to contain his smile.

Maggie put her head in her hands. "That's so embarrassing." Her voice was muffled.

Oscar just laughed at her apparent misery. "Hey cmon." He said grabbing her hands and trying to peel them away from her face.

He held her hands in his, her face behind what used to be her hands glaring at the Australian.

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