50. You're Leaving?

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"Ah, my friend! Mariell you look amazing today" praised Alyssa and went downstairs to meet his friend who was talking to the other ladies at court.

Baelon walked beside her, holding her hand, and taking cautious steps down the stairs. When everyone heard Alyssa calling for Marielle, the priest turned off the court to bow to her and the little prince walking next to her.

Since it was common for Alyssa to receive such treatment, she didn't pay much attention to it, but Baelon pulled her hand to get her attention. "Mama, what is them doing?"

"They bow out of respect for royalty, Baelon."

He nodded and continued down the stairs where Mariell was waiting for them "Thank you very much, Aly, so do you"

Alyssa felt Baelon pull on her skirt to hide her face behind it, a bright chuckle left her mouth. "My prince, friends don't hide from friends, do they?"

But Baelon did not show himself and continued to stand behind his mother's skirt. "He's a shy one, isn't he?" Mariell chuckled, looking at Alyssa.

"Yes he is, but he quickly gets used to others." she assured and streched out her arm for the lady to take. The Two Ladies and the Prince walked out to the garden where Baelon quickly left the two to run towards the flowers.

"How is Rhaegar? I heard he was pretty exhausted."

"That was a few days ago but he's fine now. It seems like all he needed was to fall asleep in his father's arms," she laughed.

The two sat down on a bench where they could keep an eye on Baelon as he ran around the lawn but at the same time had a conversation with each other.

"Good to hear, but what about you, we haven't seen each other for a while now. First the birth of Rhaegar and then all those teadious encounters with my father."

"Well, yes, I'm hoping we'll be able to spend time with each other more often. As you know, Lady Cassandra has now returned to the end of the storm and Joanna is not as funny as you."

Mariell laughed at that. It was certainly a compliment to her that Alyssa found her more amusing than any of the other ladies and not just her ladies in waiting.

As Mariell's laughter slowly faded, seriousness took over their conversation, leaving Alyssa utterly shocked, "Is something wrong, Mariell?"

The lady cleared her throat and shifted into her seat but still tried to keep a smile on her face "There's actually something I want to ask of you, Aly"

Alyssa stretched slightly, placing her hands on her lap, "Ask, Mariell. What is it?"

"It is so that I have met someone, he is a lord of Dorne whom my father has already approved of, but I want your blessing because I am your lady but more important ly, you are my friend."

Her brows flew up to her hairline when she heard her, but soon a huge smile took over, "So you're getting married?! How wonderful, it took him long enough." she exclaimed in happiness, taking her hands. "I'm so happy for you, when is the wedding?"

Mariell had a big smile on her face and bright red cheeks as they talked about the fact that she was finally going to marry a man she was deeply in love with. "In a moons time, but I will have to return back to Dorne and that is the sad part about it."

Her explanation made Alyssa's mouth drop slightly, but despite her grief for her dear friend's departure, she was incredibly happy for her. "If that's what you want then so be it, but I'll ask for one thing in return."

Mariell's brow furrowed and she nodded softly, "What, princess?"

She looked at her lady with a sad look and sighed, "That you write to me as often as you can, and that you tell me how you met, spare me no details."

A sigh of relief left Mariell following a laugh before telling him everything in minute detail, about who he was, how they met, and other topics of conversation that left the three of them out for the rest of the day untill the sky had begun to get an orange color.

Once inside the warm castle, Tanya went with Baelon to his room to unwind for the evening. Alyssa continued towards her own room where the two knights were standing outside guarding the entrance.

Inside the chamber it was fairly quiet, but she could high water drip and move from the bathchamber, a smile spread on her face unconsciously as it used to do when she felt the closeness of her husband lying in the bath, lifting his handin and out of the water to hear the water dripping from his fingertips.

"You seem to be having a good time in there" she spoke, Aegon who didn't notice that gon was there turned his head towards her and copied her smile. "I do, but it would have been better with you here," he muttered, sinking himself under the water.

She chuckled lightly at him and went to grab a towel on the table next to the tub as she sat down on a stool next to him. When he was back on the surface, Alyssa leaned over the edge of the tub with a smirk, smirking down to meet his lips with a soft kiss.

"You've been away for a long time, should I be worried?" Alyssa dipped the towel in the water and squeezed the water out of the soaking wet cloth. "I was with Lady Mariell, she's about to leave for Dorne again to get married," she told him, pulling the towel over his arm, and neck to cleanse him further.

"Are you upset about that my dear?" his voice echoed faintly in the room as he spoke. She nodded slowly, dipping have the cloth once more in the water.

"Even though I'm sad about her departure to Dorne, I'm happy for her, plus at least I still have the Lady Joanna for my company." she tried to sound posetive, but truth be told, Joanna was unfortunately one of the ladies she disliked the most. There was just something very wrong with her behavior around her and the lady's gift for hating at everything she saw, her poor way of dealing with servants and other ladies lower her station.

She could feel a warm and wet hand gripping hers which pulled her out of her mind and made her smile again. "You know, I get a strong sense of déjà-vu now that we're sitting here like this."

She wasn't afraid of the sudden exchange of conversations, but at the same time she was grateful for it. "Why?" she asked, knowing exactly what he meant.

"Once upon a time there was a Radiant woman who once went into a chamber and found a drunk and dirty prince on the floor, she helped him bathe and they sat in exagt the same way we do now. Weird, isn't it?"

She laughed at his silliness and pulled her fingertips under the water to splash him with the water, "I remember it very well actually." she giggled.

"Sometimes I look back on those times, and feel nothing but sadness," he admitted, Alyssa frowned for a moment before starting to talk again, "How I treated you, both before and after our wedding-".

"I'm happy with how it is now, we're happy together, aren't we?" Aegon nodded with a vague smile on her face as her being grew, "Get out with you now, it's getting cold."

Alyssa put the towel back down on the table and went out to the sleeping chamber to wait for him. Her hands moved behind his back to undo the dress as she giggled at him as he came along with nothing but a towel around his waist.

"That style suits you my loveHer mischievous smirk grew as he walked closer, and wrapped his arm around her. And I like that style when you're lying with nothing, underneath me with sweet sounds leaving your mouth."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered to his mouth "Let's make the third" she didn't have time to say much before they both collapsed onto the bed, the room getting hotter and hotter every minute.


This was a very short chapter but the next one will hopefully be better. Thanks for reading❤️❤️

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