Video games

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Requested by Janehesse13 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

Connor invited me over today so that we could hangout and watch a movie or something. I was super excited to see him after a long time. (We saw each other like two days ago).

I headed to his place. When I arrived, Brady opened the door for me and told me Connor was in his room.

I went upstairs to his room, finding him engrossed in a video game, completely oblivious to my presence.

Feeling a bit ignored, I tried to get his attention.

I grabbed a controller and joined in on the game. I absolutely sucked.


I felt the tears creating in my eyes as I looked at him. But he didn't even look at me and just started a new game.

I didn't want to talk to him anymore in this moment. I left his room and went to Brady's.

I knocked on the door and heard something like "come in".

I entered and saw the he was streaming on twitch.

When he saw my watering eyes, he paused the stream and went up hugging me.

"What did he do?" He asked already knowing it had something to do with his brother.

I told him how I felt and what Connor did.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" He asked me while comforting me.

"No it's alright. But can I maybe stay with you for a bit before I go home?"

"Of course turtle." (We always call each other pet names, but in a friend's way).

I grabbed a chair and sat beside him. He continued doing the stream and playing Fortnite while I answered questions and chatted with the chat for a bit.

Connor's POV:

As I again lost a game, I turned around not finding Y/n in my room. I wondered where she was, so I went to Brady's room hearing laughter coming from it.

As I entered, I saw the two of them sitting at Brady's desk streaming.

"Y/n. Can I talk to you?"

She finally noticed me and looked at Brady unsure what to do.

He gave her a reassuring nod, before she stood up and walked with me out of the room.

"Why did you go to Brady's?" I asked her

"You seriously asking me that? Are you kidding?" She said getting angry

"What? No! Why would I?"

"You yelled at me! You invited me over but then ignored me completely."

Shit. I didn't realize it until know. I really messed up this time.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. I didn't even realize it until know. Please forgive me I promise I will make it up to you."

"Okay Connor I forgive you but if that will happen again you have more to do than just apologize."

She went in for a hug and I kissed her.

I felt so sorry for her and that she had to feel like this. I'm such an idiot

"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too Connie"

Wrapper (Connor Noon imagines)Where stories live. Discover now