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Requested by wandaschild11 🥰

Our school had a soccer game tonight versus some other school nearby.

As fate would have it, a twist of events forced me to play in that game. And as it couldn't get better I had to play in a team with Connor Noon. My biggest enemy. I don't even know why I hate him but he is super annoying.

During the match, I made a daring move to score a goal but ended up colliding with an opponent, resulting in a painful injury.

The crowd stood still as I fell to the ground, clutching my leg in agony.

I saw Connor rushing to my side with a worried expression.

"Are you okay?!" he exclaimed, worry lacing his voice.

I winced in pain but managed a weak smile.

"I think I broke my leg" I replied trying to hide the pain.

Not even 10 seconds went by when Connor scooped me up in his arms and carried me gently off the field.

He rushed me to the hospital, I could hear his heart pounding.

As we sat in the hospital room, waiting for the doctor's assessment, a silence hung in the air.

Finally, the doctor arrived and confirmed my broken leg.

As he left to get a cast, I looked up at Connor, vulnerability shining in my eyes.

"I never expected this to happen but I'm glad you're here."

Connor's voice was filled with sincerity as he confessed.

"Y/n I've realized that all this rivalry between us was just a mask for how I truly feel about you. I care about you more than I can put into words. Seeing you hurt like this made me realize how much you mean to me."

I reached out to hold his hand.

"I feel the same way Connie. I've been hiding my feelings behind this rivalry too. I care about you more than I ever thought is possible"

Connor stood up from his chair beside the hospital bed and leaned over me giving me a passionate and gentle kiss.


I'm running out of ideas for imagines, so I'm asking for requests again🥲

I have some much fun writing this book and I kinda don't want it to end.

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