Late night drive

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As me and my boyfriend Connor cruised through the dimly lit streets, the sound of our favorite song fills the car.

We couldn't help but singed along at the top of our lungs, feeling the music reverberate through our soul.

"Hey you hungry?" Connor asked me as the song ended

"Yeah. Let's get something."

We spotted a neon-lit sign for a 24- diner. So we stopped by.

Inside, the aroma of freshly cooked burgers and fries enveloped us. We approached the counter, and the friendly waitress asked

"What can I get you two?"

We ordered a cheeseburger and fries. As we waited for our food, we had really much fun talking to each other and just hanging out.

"YES! I knowww. Mrs. Corner is soo annoying. I hate her so much." We were talking about our maths teacher when we finished our food and decided to continue driving through the streets of New Jersey.

The night air felt refreshing against my skin.

As we drives along the streets, the moonlight casts eerie shadows on the surrounding trees. It was beautiful.

We decided to go to the beach and walk along the water.

The night felt magical as laid in the sand and gazed at the stars.

This was one of our Friday date nights and like every Friday it's one of my favorite days.


Sorry it's really really short but I had no time to write something long and good today :(

Wrapper (Connor Noon imagines)Where stories live. Discover now