Kiss scene

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(Pretend your an actress for this imagine)

I stood nervously on the set of my latest movie, "Love's Unexpected Twist", alongside my co-star Brady. When we found out that we were going to play in a movie together, we were really excited about it. But what we didn't know was, that we had to do a kiss scene. I am together with Connor, Brady's brother.

We couldn't help but feel worried about Connor. We didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Brady, can we talk for a moment?" I said taking a deep breath

Brady looked concerned and nodded, understanding the weight of the situation

"Of course Y/n/n. Is this about the kiss?" He asked as walked outside

"Yeah. I love Connor and I don't want to do this to him. I don't want him to feel hurt or betrayed when he sees the movie. We know how jealous he can get"

"I know. It's important to prioritize our relationship and the feelings of those we care about" he said as he pulled me into a hug

"Exactly! I don't want this kiss to be misconstrued or cause any unnecessary tension between us."

"I think the best thing we can do is to talk to him and describe him the situation. He will understand."

I nodded

"You're right turtle. We will explain it to him. Let's do it tonight after dinner at your house"

Later that day, I had dinner at the Noons House. Brady and me gave each other unsure glances. We were nervous about the conversation we were about to have.

After dinner, we walked upstairs into Connor's room.

"Okay guys, what's up with you? Why do you keep looking like that?" Connor asked us flopping on his bed

I glanced at Brady again and then sat on the bed taking Connor's hand.

"There's something we need to discuss with you" I tried to calmly tell him

Connor's expression fell and his face turned blank.

"You're breaking up with me?" He suddenly asked

"What?! No! I would never do that" I assured him

His face got his natural color again, clearly feeling relieved.

"What is it then?"

"We're filming a scene in the movie where Brady and I have to share a kiss. We want you to know that it's purely acting and nothing more." I said to him looking into his eyes

I felt Brady's presence placing himself onto the bed next to us

"Yeah, we promise you that it's nothing more than acting."

Connor's face softened as he listened to us.

"I trust you guys completely. I know that what we have is real and I understand that it's a part of your job and you can't do anything about it. Don't worry about me. I will support you and want to give you your best performance."

Brady and me felt relief wash over us, grateful for Connor's understanding und unwavering support.

"Thank you Connie"

"Yeah, thank you babe"

We laughed at Brady's nickname and all hugged each other.

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