opening notes

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Hi! Here are just some things about this book before you start;

-I will NOT include smut as James has said he is uncomfortable with it and it's a good thing to respect people's boundaries. Also, it's weird to write that stuff about real people, like??

-I know that james has said he was fine with fanfics as long as it wasn't weird but if this EVER changes and he states that he is uncomfortable, please notify me and this story will be deleted.

-if I mention another content creator in the story and they aren't comfortable with it, please notify me and I will replace them with a different person. I have googled all of the creators I have mentioned in the story in advance, but I am aware that the information could be wrong or could have changed over time.

-I have minimum experience with writing so this very well could be complete shit.

-I do not plan on publishing this book until I have finished it on my terms because I don't want to start another book for there to be inconsistent chapter updates.

-this story will be spell-checked using Grammarly cause I downloaded it about 2 years ago and I just have it, so if anything is spelt wrong or worded weirdly, it's Grammarly's fault !! #dontblameme

-I found the face claim for my ocs on Pinterest, so if the people find this and tell me to change it, I 100% will. I can imagine how weird it is to read a story and just see yourself as one of the characters💀

-I reside in America and have very minimal knowledge of what people call things in the UK so if there are words that don't make sense ignore me, please. I set my Grammarly to British English but some terms probably won't correct so...

-I will release chapters on Mondays and Wednesdays at some random time throughout the day.

-if these sound like some other fanfics I apologise cause I try to make it original but I have read 90% of the james fics on this app as well as a few others.

-another reason I waited until I finished the whole story to post it was so I could change things I didn't like or add things. Like a street name, adding notes, or the way the dates are at the start of each chapter.

-in my opinion, I don't think love at first sight is real. Love is an emotional connection you have with someone, not something just based on looks or vibes. I think you can find someone cute or attractive without necessarily being in love with them. Therefore, this won't be a slow burn but it will not be immediate at all.

-these guys are fucking idiots and I was struggling while writing this.

-this has very very angsty and possibly triggering chapters. so be prepared.

-with time, people get better at things. That's why the first few chapters are honestly shit. And I learned how to write over 1k words per chapter instead of 300. My apologies for that one.

-this story contains the topics of Bulimia/Eating Disorders. If you or a loved one is struggling with an ED of any sort, please call +1 888-375-7767 for USA, 0808-801-0677 for England, 0808-801-0432 for Scottland, 0808-801-0433 for Wales, 0808-801-0434 for Northern Ireland, and if your area is not stated or you would prefer email, please let me know under here and I will get you your help. I love you, and things will get better with help.

-I do not have bulimia or any eating disorder, so I have no personal experience with the topic. I have, however, kept myself updated. I listened to the audiobook I'm Glad My Mom Died  on Spotify by Jennette McCurdy, which contains her experience with bulimia, and I have also read articles to try and keep my information correct. The main character, Valentina, struggles with bulimia and body image, and I will mostly be basing those parts on Jennette's experiences. Please let me know if I ever get any information wrong or say anything that could be harmful. I will try my best, but I know incorrect information is out there and, very unfortunately, I am not perfect. (I'm not saying this as an ohohoo don't blame me no ones perfect!!! i will be taking accountability for my mistakes and actions.)

Thank you for reading that insanely long note page. Now, the story begins......

after the introductions in the next chapter :)

my valentine ~ james marriottWhere stories live. Discover now