Twenty - Dances in the park

211 3 24

13/2/25  //  2/13/25

Valentina pov
9:39 pm

((if you search "Rancho San Rafael Regional Park Dragon Lights", you will see what I'm talking about with the light display thing :) They are very pretty and I had a great idea for this chapter in there and Wattpad wont let me put in pictures)) ((pretend that it's not in the us and it is where they are)) (where are they? not sure))

We are all walking into the entrance of the park after the show, and this place is so beautiful. We walk up to the stand and pay 110 pounds, 15 per person. (20 USD per person) Me and James are walking behind the band, talking to each other.

"Why are you dressed so fancy tonight? You're making me feel dressed down," I giggle. He has a tote bag that seems full of something and just looks like he's going to a fancy dinner. I'm just wearing a hoodie with some ripped jeans, just like my normal outfits.

"Why not?" He shrugs and I nod.

"Say we split up? I want to look at the dragons." Matt asks, turning around to face us. I shrug and James nods. (Matt Wingman part 6 on god) "Alright, bye guys!!" With that, the others run off and me and James start going the opposite way.

"Woahh," I marvel at all of these displays. I find a large display of birds and I look down at the information stand, showing information about the piece and the artist.

"This really is your stuff," James comments and I nod.

"I didn't graduate Art History to ignore arts history. All of these pieces are to showcase Asian culture and biodiversity, through artistry. It is so fascinating. The light reflects with the different colours, the small designs are so perfect."

We are slowly walking, I am admiring the art with my hands folded in front of me. I turn to look at James and I smile. His hands are in his coat pockets and he's watching me, resulting in a small blush by his intense stare that I hope isn't easy to see in the dark. His face is curious and smiles back at me as I turn my head back around.

We walk through for a while and I make comments about how cute the animal is, or how well the colours go together, or anything. We stumble into a beautiful area where soft music is playing and couples are dancing under the stars.

Light-up flowers are around and it is a soft grassy area. There are floating lanterns above us and the whole place is utterly enchanting.

The stars shine brightly in the dark sky. Those stars are universes and monumental things, yet they are just a speck in our night sky that makes it more beautiful. Every star serves a purpose.

"Val?" James whispers and I turn around to face him. "Do you, uhm, want to dance?" He stutters and his face is red. I giggle and nod.

"Of course" I smile and his hand takes mine. We walk over to the middle of the area and he raises my hand that is in his. His other arm wraps around my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder.

The Night We Met  hums in the background as we start to dance, shuffling to the beat.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do"  Our eyes stay fixated on each other, our bodies moving to the rhythm.

"Haunted by the ghost of you"  The world falls away and it feels as if it's just us in this park.

"Oh, take me back to the night we met" A chill runs down my back from the night. He spins me and I go out, to spin back into his arms.

"When the night was full of terrors"  We are dancing on the stars in an empty galaxy, jumping around on the asteroids and the pebbles in our way.

"And your eyes were filled with tears"  The environment shifts around us, the problems of our lives becoming so unimportant in this moment.

"When you had not touched me yet"  My feet shuffle with his. I see people dancing behind us and people watching from the sidelines. I don't care. For once, I don't pay any mind to it. The song goes on and we get closer, fitting together like colours that shouldn't work, aren't opposite of the colour wheel, but far enough away and still manage to complement each other so well.

"Haunted by the ghost of you"  The chorus repeats and our faces inch closer, and I forget how to breathe. My eyes finally fall from his sparkling eyes to his lips, our movements slowing as the song slows to a stop. We stop before the final line of the song, watching each other, centimetres apart.

"Take me back to the night we met" The final line starts and James closes his eyes, and I follow suit. I feel his lips softly press against mine as the last words are uttered from the speakers. He gently kisses me and I kiss back before we break apart.

James opens his eyes after I do, and our faces heat up. Fireworks are going off in the background, adding to the alluring effect.

"Fuck. I-I'm so sorry. Why did I do that? I should have asked mate, what is wrong with me? i am so insanely sorry-" He frantically says but I free my hands and cup his face. I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his face, stopping him. I break apart and he is shocked. I giggle and he does too. We rest our foreheads against each other, soaking in the moment, laughing.

The next song plays, Fourth of July. Our heads lift and my heart stops.

"You look so cute," I say, pushing a bit of hair behind his ear.

"So do you," I smile. It's us against the world, at this very moment. I would do anything to stay in this moment, in this park, dancing, for the rest of eternity.  "Val?" He stops and then opens his tote bag.

My eyes widen as he pulls out Lego flowers and a heart box, like the ones for chocolates, but its filled with watermelon sour patch kids. My favourite. My hands cover my mouth, I am quite literally in shock. He takes a deep breath and straightens his posture.

"Valentina Grace Amulet, will you be my valentine, and possibly girlfriend?" Tears form in my eyes and I lunge to him, embracing him into a large hug, spinning us around for a bit. Once we finally stop, I release myself and look at him.

"Yes, James. I would love that." I giggle. "How did you know my middle name?"

"Friends," He laughs and I do too. He smiles and I put my hands behind his neck on his shoulders and his arms stay at my waist. We dance to the songs that come and go, laughing for no reason sometimes.

I am so in love with this man.

and for once?

I'm not scared to admit it.

1147 words

the end :3

my valentine ~ james marriottWhere stories live. Discover now