Five - New Contact

225 3 15

4 months prior
19/8/24 // 8/19/24

Valentina pov

I look around at the building.

This is mine.

I did this.

We did this.

Astral comes up and side-hugs me, admiring our work as well.

There are 6 circular tables as well as a few square tables with charging ports and pencil containers. Hooks under the seat to put a bag, and chairs that don't squeak when you move them. There's a bookshelf in the corner and a little section next to it with beanbags and miniature coffee tables next to them. There are fake vines, a nice, warm orange tone to the room, with a roaring fireplace. The walls have this nice dark wallpaper and dark brown wood trim. We have spent so much time and effort on this, and I'm so proud of it.

"I love it," Astral says. I nod in agreement. We turn around and look at the front door. We smile and flip the sign on the door from "closed" to "open", for the first time.



23/12/24 // 12/23/24
6 pm


Valentina pov

"And here is your peppermint mocha! Have a happy holidays!" I smile as the customer leaves. Once they leave I sigh and turn the sign to 'closed'.

I take off my apron and grab the broom, starting to dust. I work full-time for now, and Astral is still doing part-time at her salon and part-time here. Astral hangs her apron up next to mine, then collects all of the dishes and does their chores while I do mine. I have contacted a band that said they needed a manager and I'm expecting a call back. They're called Lovejoy, I've listened to a few of their songs. Pretty good.

As I'm thinking about them, I get a call from them, and I answer.

"Hello?" I say, holding the phone on my shoulder as I keep sweeping the floor.

"Hey Valentina, it's Wilbur." The voice says.

"Oh hey! What's up?" I reply, throwing away the crumbs and starting to sanitize the counter.

"I'm sorry, but we found another manager," Wilbur says. I sigh. I can't seem to land a job with anyone anymore. I love the coffee shop so much, don't get me wrong, but it's my dream to be a band/tour manager.

"That's fine I get it. Thank you for letting me know. Have a great day." I say, throwing the wipes away. I head to the sink and start washing my hands.

"Wait before you go. I have a friend who needs a manager, do you want to try to contact him?" I stop, my hands still running under the water.

"Yeah, of course! Could you please send me his contact information?" I say, turning off the sink and drying my hands.

"Yep, I will do that now!"

"What was his name?" 

"He's a good friend of mine, his name is James Marriott." I nod like he can see me.

"Alright, I'll contact him. Thank you, Wilbur! Have a great day!"

"You too Valentina!" He hangs up and I smile. I look at the text he sent me and copy the number. I press text and start typing.

Hello, James Marriott. My name is Valentina Amulet and I'm a tour manager who is currently looking for a job, and your friend Wilbur said you were looking for one? Would love to maybe set something up if you're alright with it. Please let me know! Thank you :)

I send the text and smile. I click on his contact and add a new contact. James Marriott.

569 words insert silly emoji here

my valentine ~ james marriottWhere stories live. Discover now