Fifteen - Denial

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6/2/25  // 2/6/25

Valentina pov
8:29 am

I wake up to the light entering my room and I groan. I open my eyes and fall back, landing on the floor with a loud thump. James was right in front of my face, and low-key jumpscared me.

"Ow, fuck-" I mutter, sitting up and holding my head that I hit on the bedside table. James peers over the bed and his eyes widen.

"Are you okay??" James asks worryingly.

"Y-yeah. You sort of scared me-"


"Your face was like right in front of mine..." His face turns pink and he goes back onto the bed. I get up and sit next to him, his face in his hands.

"Sorry. about. uhm. that." He pauses. "And last night. I was being irrational." He opens his fingers so I can see his eyes. The way they're twinkling, the sincerity in his voice mixed with his morning voice. I am folded like a damn chair.

"You're good." I look away, a slight blush forming on my face. "Can you tell me what was bothering you last night?" He covers his eyes again and sighs.

"No, it's stupid,"

"It's not, I promise. Did I do something?"

"No, you're fine. You can have a life, it's none of my business."

"huh?" what does he mean by that? "You sure I didn't do something?"

"Yeah. My fault, just like. got too in my head last night." He opens his fingers again to release his beautiful eyes. His eyes linger on my lower face and his intense gaze makes me look away, flustered.

Why are his eyes making me flustered over something innocent? He was probably just zoning out, and it just happened to be on my lips. I'm so fucking desperate. Ugh.

I grab my phone and see that I have a text from Matt.


hey Val, we got a dinner reservation tonight.
you comin?
read 8:34 am

yeah fs, after the show?
delivered 8:34 am

He must still be asleep, the text was sent last night. he'll respond later, probably. (he never responds guys insert gloomy sad looking down emoji face and broken heart here)

"I'm gonna, Uhm, get dressed in the bathroom," I say, setting my phone on the nightstand, collecting my outfit for the day, and picking it back up.

"Alright." He says, by the looks of it, texting someone. hm. odd. I shrug and walk into the bathroom to change.

James pov
8:32 am

"Your face was like right in front of mine..." Val says, her cheeks turning a slight rose colour. My cheeks warm immediately from embarrassment. Why couldn't I have woken up first? She probably thinks I just want to be near her.

I mean, I do. but I did that while I was asleep.

Val sits up on the bed and I cover my blush with my hands. I internally scream at myself. What is wrong with me??

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