02 | ive got my eye on u

64 3 0

You weren't entirely comfortable with staying in Rika's apartment like this, but it was something that V had insisted upon. You didn't want to argue with the group leader and cause any unnecessary tension, so you sucked it up and decided that, just while you were getting to know the rest of the RFA members, you could stay.

You did some light dusting of the studio apartment, and you made a point to open the curtains and window to let some fresh air flow. It helped to decrease the whole "dead girl" atmosphere, and it brought you a sense of ease when settling into the desk chair that you had previously lounged in.

You didn't want to rest on Rika's bed, regardless if she had actually slept in it or not. That just felt... strange.

707 | Let's see if I can research more on [Name]...

yoosung | Oh, did you find something? I want to know too...

707 | Sure, I'll make an exception and let you in on some information

707 | She's a girl. Young. And in my standards, cute :)

yoosung | I don't know what your standard is, but go on

707 | Two beautiful eyes and beautiful lips

707 | She must be reading this conversation through her phone. That's enough, right?

yoosung | Are you sure you can share that much information?

yoosung | That's what you thought I'd say, isn't it? Just admit that you don't know much about her!

707 | :/

707 | Okay. I don't.

You watched the group chat ping to life in real time as Seven and Yoosung conversed so openly about you. They made conversation as if they couldn't ask you questions directly, like you weren't actually there. You found it kind of funny to witness.

707 | I'm not actually doing a background check on [Name] right now. I'm looking into the person that sent her to Rika's apartment.

yoosung | Oh I see, that makes more sense. When you find stuff out, will you let us know?

707 | That entirely depends on V.

yoosung | ...

707 | Eh, im kind of busy right now, so I'll talk later

Seven swiftly left the chatroom, and a few minutes later, so did Yoosung.

You stared at the conversation for a moment longer before shutting off your phone. You felt awkward trying to start a conversation so soon, or even voicing any concerns or opinions that you might have. You wanted to ask some questions about the hosting parties situation—how were you supposed to begin? What type of people should you invite? Where would you host these parties?

The only party you had organised before was a birthday party, and that had been in your own home for your mother, with her friends and a few close neighbours. It was a small budget you had, too, and you made it work. But you had no idea where to start or what direction to even take right now.

You considered asking Jumin, since V had made it clear that Jumin was to be in charge while he wasn't present. But Jumin is a busy corporate heir with a real life job to do, wouldn't that mean he wouldn't have spare time to entertain your worries? And what would he make of your concerns? Would he judge you for not being able to withstand the party planning role?

You could ask Jaehee, but if she worked for Jumin, that meant she was possibly busy with work too...

Yoosung is a college student, and doesn't seem to know a whole lot, and Zen just seemed to want to flirt all the time...

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