07 | precious privacy

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You spent the rest of the morning procrastinating on your college work. You participated in and out of chat rooms, conversing and getting to know Jaehee, Yoosung and Zen, and even learning some more about Jumin and Seven from the others while doing so.

Zen made a few... sly comments about your flirty interactions with Seven.

zen | Seven has always been strange, but to see someone actively encouraging his weirdness is...

zen | well, it's weird lololol

zen | You're lucky you're cute

[name] | How do you know im cute? Are you stalking me too?

zen | GAH that's not what I meant!!

Everyone else was just as fun to speak with. They each brought their own pace of fresh air to the chat room, and even though everyone was incredibly different to one another, you couldn't help but realise how well they fit together. It was like they were created to be a group of unlikely friends.

You were starting to believe that it really was fate that had brought you to the RFA, and that maybe Rika truly had chosen you from beyond the grave to fulfil her legacy of charity parties. You had settled so fast with everyone, it seemed almost too good to be true.

And then V arrived into the chatroom, around 8pm while everyone else, but yourself, was busy. You were startled at first, feeling somewhat nervous for being alone with the only member that you hadn't formed a connection with. But Seven had assured you of V's kindness, and so had Jumin and Zen; why should you be nervous to interact with him? He had given you no reason to worry, right?

V | [Name], you're here. I'm glad. I was worried that nobody would be logged in when I arrived.

[name] | I'm glad you're here too! I've been looking forward to a chance of talking with you.

V | You seem to be in a good mood. You're very kind.

V | I heard that the members are becoming worried and anxious about the party, so I had to come...

Then, as if by chance, Jumin logged into the chatroom. You felt a little less awkward now that there was a mutual friend there to fall back on. You didn't want the conversation between yourself and V to dry up and be meaningless, and at least with Jumin he'd keep some interaction going.

jumin han | V, you're here.

jumin han | I'm glad that I didn't miss you.

jumin han | What are you doing here so late? It's very unusual of you.

V | I just came to reassure everyone that we will definitely be holding a party. I understand everyone, especially Yoosung, is nervous and restless for a date. I am working on one.

V | I am sure it isn't easy for you [Name], but please understand.

[name] | No worries at all! Everyone is super welcoming. And Seven is working hard too, so I completely get it.

V | Yes. Luciel has been helping out a lot. I am very thankful.

V | Of course, everyone is working hard and I am thankful for them too.

V | I will try my best to not let anyone down.

jumin han | I'm sure if you just explain to everyone as to why it's taking so long, everyone would understand.

jumin han | If anything has been found concerning how [Name] ended up in Rika's apartment... I hope you will share it.

V | Luciel is still looking in to that. I will tell you if we find anything. Just please trust me for now.

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