12 | sentimental syndrome exists

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Buzz... buzz... buzz...

You groaned loudly and rolled over, hand barely snatching the vibrating phone from the bedside desk. The screen illuminated the room, and immediately you could see that someone was calling you. You hadn't a clue who it was, drowsiness still very much present and in control. Nevertheless, you somehow managed to answer and pressed the phone to your ear while slumping back into the pillows.

"Hello?" You answered with a tired yawn, your eyes falling shut again and welcoming the soothing darkness after the cruel contrast of light from your phone.


And suddenly, you were awake.

Your eyes shot open wide at Seven's voice. You pulled away the phone briefly to confirm that it was Seven's contact, and you were immediately filled with joy to see that it was him.

You hadn't participated in a phone call with him yet, which you had thought about quite a lot. You were eager to hear his voice, but recently thought against being the one to phone or text him for the fear of causing more distractions for his work. You didn't want to be the reason for his stress.

"I saw you were sleeping, I hope you don't mind me calling you."

You sat up and looked over to the hidden camera, which was on and blinking away at you. You managed a smile through your tired state and gave a small wave.

Seven laughed over the phone, and a burst of serotonin flooded your system. He... Seven had such a beautiful laugh that you felt instantly soothed and overjoyed. You wanted to hear him laugh more.

"I don't mind at all," you assured quickly, now using the back of your free hand to wipe the sleep away from your eyes. "I'm glad you called, actually. Are you taking a break right now? Have you eaten and drunk enough?"

"Well, I've been eating Honey Buddha chips and drinking Dr Pepper..."

You rolled your eyes, but laughed at the fact that it was very typical of the eccentric hacker to live off of junk food. "When you do eventually come to see me, I'll make you a proper meal! I promise."

"That soup you were eating earlier looked really good."

You crossed your legs under the blanket. "Is that what you want me to make you, some soup?"

"Anything you make would make me happy, but..."


"I didn't phone you to talk about soup."

You felt your stomach drop slightly as his tone sounded very serious. Stern, actually. You didn't like the sound of it. You'd always imagined Seven to have such a joyful lilt to him, but right now he sounded firm and unlike himself, even if this was the first time you'd heard his voice.

"Oh, is something worrying you?" You asked softly.

"No. Well, yes, and no." Seven then paused, and you could faintly hear the sound of clicking keys in the background. You wondered if Seven was still working. Was his maid lurking around, pestering him to continue working? Seven sighed loudly. "I just... I'm sorry that I can't do anything for your safety right now. Watching you on the CCTV... it's not enough. I'm useless sitting here like this."

That's why he had phoned you. Seven wasn't taking a break at all; he had merely stopped working out of guilt for your safety.

"Why are you apologising? None of it is your fault! You're doing the best you can to make sure I'm safe, and I'm grateful for that."

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