06 | jumin is gay?

63 3 0

It was now 8pm and you were standing in the middle of the apartment, staring rather thoughtfully at Rika's bed.

You had taken what Seven had reassured you with into consideration, and you were debating whether or not it would be okay for you to actually sleep there tonight, and for the rest of the duration of your stay. The entire feeling just sent chills up your spine, and you hated feeling chilly.


707 | When will I be free?!

You glanced down at your phone, smiling upon seeing that Seven had started spamming the chat room already. It seemed as though he was taking a break from his own work. You hadn't spoken to him since the conversation this morning at the cafe, so you were thrilled to complete your day with another conversation with him.

[name] | Cheer up Seven O Seven! Sevenny! Sevv! Lovely Seven!

707 | lovely +.+

707 | thx you sweetie <3

707 | But seriously, I have so much work to do it literally feels like air=work right now

707 | I need to get rid of my stress D: I want to mess with someone!!!!!!

It was at that very moment that Jumin then logged into the chat room. Your eyes widened a fraction and you snorted in slight laughter. It seems as though Seven had found his victim.

[name] | Someone is here.

jumin han | ?

707 | JUMIN! I waited for you!

707 | I want to know something meow

[name] | me too meow

jumin han | What is it?

jumin han | Oh. You said "I want to mess with someone" right before I came. Are you trying to mess with me?

[name] | Why would Seven do such a thing? We were just messing around... :)

707 | +.+

707 | yeah! I was just reminded of something after Yoosung talked about being a forever-lone earlier!

707 | Jumin, do u like girls or nah?

jumin han | Which girl? Please make it clear who you are referring to.

707 | just girls in general~~

jumin han | I am not answering your ambiguous question.

[name] | Evading the question...?

707 | hmmm seems to be

707 | I think I heard somewhere that people guilty of something always evade the question

[name] | Is it possible for Jumin to be...

707 | androgynous?

[name] | my thoughts exactly ^^

jumin han | I think that is biologically impossible.

707 | Don't tell me you've never dated before?!

jumin han | Do you want me to answer that crude question?

[name] | !!!!!!!

[name] | No way!!!

707 | hahah

707 | lolololol

707 | juju

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