15 | we look like a couple lol

31 2 0

jaehee | [Name], are you okay?

Seven had since finished his shower. When he emerged from the bathroom, wearing an oversized black tshirt and baggy joggers, your mind had almost gone into overdrive. The steam rolled out from behind him, and he wasn't wearing his glasses; his hair was messy and damp, sticking up randomly, and his cheeks were flushed from the heat of the shower.

You had tried not to watch him as he made a beeline back to his laptop, not a word spoken as he resumed his work.

But, by God , you couldn't believe how attractive Seven truly was. You were flustered beyond belief, thoughts racing back to how Zen had warned you about being alone with a man—you thought he was being dramatic, but Zen should really have worried about Seven being alone with you.

Seven was donning the typical boyfriend-look, and that screamed appealing to you.

You had gone into the bathroom not long after him, but because of the bandages on your knees, you didn't have a shower. You stuck your head over the tub and washed your hair with the detachable shower head, then you used a sponge to wash yourself in the sink. The process took longer than a normal shower would have, but you at least felt clean and more human than before.

It was now almost midnight, and you were sitting against the headboard of the bed with your fluffy pink blanket wrapped around your body. The chill of the winter night had seeped deeper into the apartment, and you noticed that Seven had resorted to putting his jacket back on to combat the cold.

[name] | I'm okay :) I'm safe thanks to Seven, so don't worry about me

jaehee | That's a relief... I do feel a lot better now that I know Luciel is with you.

[name] | How come you're awake so late at night?

jaehee | I'm at the airport waiting for Mr Han. He is scheduled to arrive soon.

jaehee | Which reminds me... Mr Han wrote about a desert golf course earlier... I should start writing about the cons of such an idea, shouldn't I?

[name] | Haha, you know the drill

jaehee | Being his assistant has given me the habit of preparing for everything, even about things one wouldn't even imagine ^^

jaehee | I should get going to begin writing about those cons... I suspect Luciel won't be sleeping tonight while fixing the security system?

[name] | Probably not, he's working in the corner of the room still...

[name] | Take care, Jaehee, I hope you get to go home soon :)

jaehee | Sleep well, [Name] ^^

You logged out of the chatroom before Jaehee did, and you let out a sigh louder than anticipated. You snuggled deeper into your blanket and let your eyes wander around the room, and they eventually fell on the back of Seven's head.

You felt creepy for staring, but you couldn't help it. You hadn't expected Seven to act lovey-dovey with you while being in the apartment, but you'd at least thought he would have continued talking with you as normal. You didn't want him to ignore you and push you aside like this, because that just broke your heart completely.

It was now a few minutes past midnight.


Nothing. He continued typing away at his laptop.

You considered the possibility that he was too focused and hadn't actually heard you.

"Seven...?" You said a little louder.

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