17 | emotional

33 2 0

It was late.

The time was near midnight, and you were standing in the middle of the bathroom. You were staring at your reflection in the mirror, watching with a strange intensity as you brushed your teeth.

It was the first full day with Seven, and you weren't any closer to bonding with him as you'd hoped to be. He had been ignoring your messages and phone calls, and he only answered you back to insult you in some way. The coffee you had made for him went cold, and so did all the food you'd made... but you refused to give up.

You logged into the chatroom, frowning upon seeing that Zen and the others weren't online. You had been hoping to occupy yourself before bed by chatting with someone, but it looked as though you'd have to listen to Seven tapping away at his laptop as a source of entertainment.

You guessed you could also spam his phone with song lyrics again...

Your phone buzzed. You looked at the new notification and let out a surprised gasp.

You spat out your toothpaste and gurgled some water in your mouth before darting out of the bathroom, the handle slamming into the wall by accident. Seven flinched in the corner and whipped his head around, glaring at you from his spot in an almost accusing way.

"Why are you being so rough with the door?" He moaned, "you're making me lose focus—"

"V is logged in!" You interrupted quickly, not wanting Seven to miss his chance to finally talk to the RFA leader after all this time of waiting.

Sevens eyes widened, and without a word he pulled out his own phone and logged on to the messenger. You tapped into the chatroom, curious about what V would have to say towards this entire situation.

V | I have something to tell everyone, but I must hurry as I could lose service at any time

707 | Why didnt you answer any of my calls?

V | I'm sorry. I was out of reach... I have bad service so I can't read all of the past messages, but I've spoken to Jumin.

707 | You've already spoke to Jumin?

707 | Why did you call him first? What about me??

V | I tried to call you.

V | Do you remember that phone you gave me, the one with the bug detector? The red light kept turning on when I tried to phone you.

707 | For real??

[name] | Does that mean the phone was bugged?

707 | It's possible.

V | It's why I'm here and not phoning you directly.

707 | Well I have a bunch of questions to ask you

V | Okay... I've already heard about the special security system. Is that fixed?

707 | I changed the algorithm already. I have the materials at hand so I'll give them to you later

V | Alright

707 | But I think we should evacuate [Name], what do you think?

You raised your eyes from your phone, just in time to see Seven suddenly shoot his own eyes downwards. Was he staring at you?

V | We only have a short amount of time left until the party... so it would make sense to move her after the party is finished. Please stay with her and protect her until then.

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