03 | honey buddah promise

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4000 words down.

6000 words to go.

You groaned loudly and leaned back, feeling the muscles in your back groan and ache with every movement. Tears sprung to your eyes, which were heavy and tired from the eventful day.

You glanced down at the time, noting that it was now 11pm. Your stomach growled loudly, reminding you that you'd neglected to buy yourself any food and hadn't focused on your health very much today. You'd been so busy with this entire "unknown"-Rika-RFA situation, combined with your college work, that you'd forgotten to take care of your basic needs.

You decided you'd have to take a trip to the nearest convenience store, which you knew to be a five minute walk from Rika's apartment. No biggie.

You slipped on your shoes and grabbed your phone and bag. Before you left, you remembered the promise you'd made to Seven earlier that day. You wouldn't want him to randomly check in and see that you weren't there, again, and cause him stress.

[name] | I'm just heading to the store to buy some food. Don't miss me too much <3

Satisfied with the message, you then left and began walking towards the street.

It wasn't long before you were milling around inside one of those 24/7 stores. A teen boy lazed behind the counter and gave a small wave of acknowledgment as you entered. You grabbed a basket and headed to buy some instant noodles, water bottles and general snacks to keep you energised during the day.

Your phone buzzed inside your pocket. There was a small glimmer of hope that it was Seven replying to your message, and you sighed slightly upon seeing that it was just Yoosung opening a chatroom.

yoosung | I'm so bored~

yoosung | Is anyone still awake?

yoosung | Probably not :( none of my LOLOL friends are online, which is strange because they're normally logged on by now...

Yoosung was obsessed with an online game called LOLOL, which you had never heard of before. It seemed like a popular online game, and from what you had read in the chatroom, Yoosung was pretty popular on there. Though, his obsession with the online game came with the consequence that he was falling behind with his college work, and therefore failed his midterms because of it.

[name] | I'm still awake :)

yoosung | Oh ^_^ How come you're up at this time? I thought you'd be sleeping lol

yoosung | Are you playing games too?

You carried your basket to the teen cashier and allowed him to scan and bag your items.

[name] | No, I'm at the store buying some food. I forgot to eat today and Rika's apartment doesn't have any food there, so...

[name] | I'm not normally so forgetful, but I was busy writing my essay that I let time slip away from me haha

You pulled out your purse and paid the teen cashier, giving him a quick thank you before departing from the store. You exited back into the street and headed off into the direction you came, now satisfied with your purchase.

It was colder outside than it had been during the day, and you shivered in distaste at the fact that you had forgotten to bring a jacket with you. Luckily, Rika's apartment wasn't a far walk, and you'd be back inside within minutes.

In the chatroom, you then saw that Seven had logged in.

707 | Does not eating make you forget to do things lolol

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