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The rest of the day was... interesting. And mundane.

Zen complained in the chatroom about being squished in between his bodyguards; their shoulders were broad and pushed against him, causing lots of typos in his messages. You did tease him and laugh at the thought of Zen being squashed, but ultimately showed sympathy for his discomfort.

Yoosung was having lots of fun being chauffeured around inside the black-out van, being escorted by bodyguards and pretending to be a celebrity. He would comment something like:

yoosung | I would have worn a mask if I knew so many people would be taking my picture! ^^

It was cute. Though, you tried to support him as Jaehee and Zen scolded him for staying up until 4am playing online games again, despite his mother sleeping in the very next room.

jaehee | I'm starting to think that Mr Han may have been right to call your mother. You really are a lost cause, Yoosung...

Yoosung was very defensive over this. You pinned it down to Yoosung being passionate over his online games. There were careers out there that existed solely for technology purposes, one which probably would have suited Yoosung more than whatever he was currently studying at college. What was Yoosung studying anyway?

Glancing out the window, you watched as the sky was beginning to turn a gorgeous orange as the sun started to set. A few stars had started to peak within the darkening blanket. It would be a nice night to go for a walk, wouldn't it?

You slipped on your shoes and coat, wrapping a scarf around your neck. Just as you were searching for your fingerless gloves, just for extra warmth, your phone started buzzing erratically.

You were startled for a moment before picking it up. It was Seven phoning you.

"He's phoning me..." you mumbled, not being able to withhold the smile of joy. Perhaps he really had just been experiencing late night sentimental syndrome, and he was finally back to his joyful self. This must also mean that he had managed to find some time away from work and under the watchful eye of his maid.

You answered and opened your mouth to say hello, but Seven's frantic yell cut you off.


You flinched and pulled the phone away from your ear, stunned at the obvious fear in his voice. You ceased looking for your gloves and stood awkwardly in the middle of the apartment, waiting for an explanation.

"Seven? You sound worried, what's wrong?" You asked, eyes wandering over to the window again. The sun cast a golden glow inside the room.

"Don't move! Do not leave the apartment! Just stay where you are!"


Don't move? Why?

The paranoia that had caused most of your anxiety began seeping back in. Uncomfortable and feeling nervous, you started kicking off your shoes and slipping out of your coat, now leaving them to one side as you obeyed Seven's command.

"What's going on?" You asked again, desperate for an explanation. He must have been tipped off that something bad was happening.

"I'll explain everything when I get there, just don't move!"

Seven was coming here. It was probably the wrong time to feel overjoyed that he was finally coming to see you, but you couldn't help the brief fleet of excitement. You pushed aside the thrill and cleared your throat, forcing yourself to focus on the dire situation that seemed to have Seven so panicked.

"You're coming here? Why? Seven, please tell me what's going on, I'm freaking out."

There was lots of noise coming from Seven's end of the call. Banging, frantic shuffling and the sound of zips being shut quickly. It sounded like he was packing. But what was he packing? And why was he deciding that now was the time he needed to come and protect you in person?

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