19 | making moves

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You jolted in surprise as Seven's low voice came through the kitchen door.

Turning to face him, you placed down the wooden spoon and offered him the kindest of smiles possible. You were hopeful about what his answer would be after he went to collect his thoughts.

Seven had spent a majority of the afternoon at his laptop, not necessarily ignoring you again, but clearly collecting himself together. He was quiet, but thoughtful, and that made you feel very hopeful.

"Oh, Seven," you said, giving a small gesture towards the pot of vegetables behind you. You had been busy making a noodle soup for the both of you. "I was just making some dinner..."

Seven glanced at the pot and nodded. "I could smell it from the other room, it smells good," he replied softly, his golden eyes finding yours again. You shivered under his stare, feeling a warmth spread inside your chest. "But, I'm ready."

"Ready?" You repeated, raising a brow at the change in subject.

"Yes. I want to open the drawers and see what V is hiding."

You turned the stove to a low heat and followed Seven back into the other room, where he made a beeline for the desk. You eyed it cautiously, feeling a mix of curiosity and nervousness for what could be waiting inside. There was a 50/50 chance of it being something that V didn't trust Seven with, or it being something personal and mundane like love letters.

You stayed back slightly, knowing that this was something that Seven needed to do. You didn't have any business interfering and being the one to interrupt Seven's discovery. You were simply there as support, someone for Seven to lean back on if he needed it.

"I wonder what's in there," you voiced out loud, watching as Seven's hands twitched nervously.

"It could be anything," Seven said. "But V's reaction makes me think it's something important... something..."

Seven sighed, shaking his head and pushing away the doubts that plagued him. "I'm going to break it open. So, stand back okay? I don't want you getting hurt."

You moved a few paces back when Seven produced a hammer from his bag. He twirled it between his fingers, eyeing the drawer skeptically before raising the tool above his head. You flinched when he brought it down, smashing into the desk and popping the locks open. A few splinters of wood went flying past your head, and you ducked to avoid them.

Seven tossed the hammer onto the bed and used his hands to pry the drawer open, revealing the contents inside. You recovered fast and joined his side, peering in as Seven pulled out multiple bits of paper.

"This... this is..."

Your eyes widened in surprise, recognising the logo immediately. "This is the logo for Mint Eye, isn't it? It's the same one from the weird emails that we all received!"

Seven flipped through the stack of paper. "It is, but they look like earlier designs—some of these aren't fully completed. And... are these building plans? What is all of this?"

You felt unsettled by this new wave of information. You glanced in discomfort at Seven. "This is Rika's apartment, does this mean she was involved in all of this?"

Seven held a grim expression. "This building is identical to the one that Saeran is in, the one that I'm researching right now. And if all of this is here, then that must mean Rika was involved in the organisation somehow."

There was a pause of silence. You reached out and gently held Seven's hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze so he knew he wasn't alone with the shock of this reveal. But you understood the depth this held for Seven— his twin brother, whom he had to leave behind, was involved in an organisation that Rika had secret involvement in. This was very overwhelming to comprehend.

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