09 | hacker?

38 4 0

Rolling over, you sleepily tugged at the fluffy blanket to try and cover up your legs again, feeling a draft from the window you had left open before going to bed.

You groaned lowly, eyes fluttering open and squinting through the darkness at the neat furniture shapes around Rika's apartment. You weren't disoriented anymore at waking up somewhere other than your own bedroom; this was the norm now. However, upon seeing no light stream coming through the blinds, you felt confused as to why you had woken up so incredibly early.

You rolled over and grasped your phone, tapping the screen and checking the time.

It was only 2am. You had been asleep for less than an hour. Why were you awake? Did the cold air disturb you that much?

You shuffled out of bed and to the window, closing it and hooking the latch back on. Satisfied that you had amended the problem, you slipped back onto the bed and snuggled immediately underneath the fluffy blanket, nuzzling your nose into the scent of the washing powder you used.

Then, your screen lit up as a new chatroom was opened. Intrigued that someone was awake at this time, you peered over to see that it was Jaehee and Seven, both of them discussing the intrusion of a hacker. You logged in to join them, now feeling as though sleep had evaded you.

[name] | we were hacked again?

707 | ur awake! <3

707 | thought u were asleep lolol

[name] | I forgot to close the window lol, the cold woke me up

707 | >.< u need to stay warm sweetie

jaehee | Sweetie...?

jaehee | Luciel, if you could please focus on the hacker situation.

707 | right lolol

707 | we were hacked again a couple hours ago

[name] | Is that what that alarm and weird messages were then?

jaehee | oh my god...

707 | I don't have any clear evidence yet, but that's pretty much the case

You pushed the pillows against the headboard and leaned into them, now reclining in a comfier position.

This was extremely worrying. Someone had hacked into the chatroom again. The first time they had led you to Rika's apartment, and their intentions were completely unclear. V made the assumption that it was to plant you as the next party-coordinator. But what would be the reason for hacking the organisation a second time? It didn't make any sense.

[name] | Does this mean someone is reading all of our messages...?

707 | nah I don't think so

707 | The hacker just disappeared after coming in, but I think he's hiding...

707 | There's a record here of him requesting a call, so I think he set off an alarm or some type of message while doing so

jaehee | And the classified information? Was any of it leaked?

707 | He didn't even touch the database, so no

[name] | If he's not after information, why is he hacking in?

[name] | it's because of this hacker that I'm here in the first place... it's making me kind of nervous

707 | I'm so sorry for making you scared! Please don't be scared

707 | after they hacked in the first time, I moved the server far away so it wouldn't happen again

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