10 | phone call

38 4 0

You couldn't focus.

The college essay was far too complicated for you to edit and turn into a final piece. Even with a week or so left to submit it, you just couldn't find the will power to try.

Now, hours later into the day, you found yourself laying at the opposite end of the bed, staring upwards at the ceiling and counting the very thin lines that had formed from the paint. It did nothing to help your productivity, and it only fed into your incurable boredom. Eventually though, you fell asleep in that position and woke up in the early evening with a sore neck.

You rubbed the area between your neck and shoulder tenderly, trying to ease the uncomfortable muscles while logging into the chatroom.

yoosung | [Name]! You're here!

[name] | Hi Yoosung :) have you had a good day?

yoosung | the best lol

yoosung | I felt like a celebrity with the bodyguards today, everyone stared at me in awe!!

yoosung | and, I finally defeated that mob boss and completed the quest!

It really did seem like everyone wasn't affected by this hacker situation. At least, not as much as you. Yoosung was still able to go to college as normal, and continue gaming like nothing was happening. Why couldn't you do the same?

[name] | You must be tired now haha

yoosung | it's nothing ^^ I'm only doing what I have to do for the sake of my guild

Seven suddenly entered the chatroom and began spamming with random words. It was like his brain had fried itself or something. You furrowed your brows at the screen, concerned that taking a walk and having a break with some fresh air hadn't helped him at all.

yoosung | What's going on?

707 | can't focus!!!

707 | I can't help but keep watching the CCTV even when it's not my turn to

707 | I just keep getting worried about [Name]...

So you weren't the only one anxious about this entire situation. It was obvious that Seven was the only one truly aware of how much danger everyone was in. It touched your heart a lot to know that Seven cared enough about you to be so unfocused with his work, but you were becoming worried for his mental state if this continued the same way.

[name] | come and see me then! you could bring your work with you, two birds with one stone right?

707 | I would

707 | but I can't

707 | stupid Vanderwood won't let me

yoosung | Your maid won't let you go...?

707 | No

707 | well, yes

yoosung | I thought she was watching the CCTV with you...?

707 | yup

yoosung | You are being very contradictory

yoosung | why don't you send over the puppy robot?

707 | the puppy robot?

yoosung | yeah lol, you spent all that time making it! maybe it can protect [Name] a little bit?

[name] | It's a good idea! Plus, I do want one... ^^

yoosung | see lol, she wants one

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