18 | accept me pls

39 3 0

How long had you been crying for?

You curled up in your blanket and sobbed into the fabric, feeling your heart shatter into millions of pieces as Sevens voice continued to repeat itself in your mind.

Sort out your emotions.

How did he expect you to do that? It's not like you deliberately developed feelings for him, he had a part in that too with the way he bantered back so willingly. It was strange to form a crush on someone over a messenger app, and only after a week or so of knowing him, but that didn't make them any less real and solid.

You felt slightly angry. Because Seven had changed his mind about you and decided that you knowing him was dangerous. But if he was so dangerous, why had he stuck around in the RFA for so long? Why did he allow you to get so close to him before hand, only to then reject you so coldly?

It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair.

It was nearly 3am when you logged into the chatroom. You were hoping Zen or Yoosung was there so you could try and take your mind away from your aching heart. Instead, Seven was logged in. He hadn't yet returned to the apartment since he left to sit outside, staying true to his word that he would only come back once you were asleep.

707 | Why are you still awake?

[name] | I can't sleep

[name] | I keep thinking about what you said to me earlier...

707 | Did I hurt your feelings? I had no choice

You scoffed loudly. Seven had no choice but to try and break your heart? Liar.

707 | But I'm only here to explain who Saeran is and what's going on. Everyone deserves to know after all this time, and everyone deserves to make their own judgement

707 | Saeran is my twin brother. We had to part ways when we were only in middle school, and this was due to... some family issues. My parents weren't people who could actually be parents to us.

707 | V gave me the opportunity to start working for an intelligence agency, but the agency wouldn't allow me to remain in contact with Saeran, so I was forced to part ways with him.

707 | V promised that he would take care of my brother...

Seven's reaction to Saeran now made a lot more sense when given more context. Of course, it would have been shocking to have seen his brother against him like that anyway, but now that you knew Saeran was supposedly being looked after by V...? It made your heart ache for Seven.

707 | I trusted V, but a couple days ago the security system was hacked and your life was put in danger

707 | The hacker who's been threatening us, sending emails... is my twin brother

707 | I thought V would be able to offer some reasonable explanation as to why Saeran is like that now , but he avoided the topic completely...!!

707 | I'm letting everyone know that I no longer trust this party that V has authorised to go ahead. I will no longer care about it.

707 | Everybody must remain conscious for their safety. Saeran hasn't given up yet.

707 | [Name], you're with me so you're safe...

You could feel your eyes burning with tears again. Because that just contradicted everything Seven had told you previously. Hadn't he warned you to keep your distance, claiming that he wasn't safe to be around, and that you would only remain in danger if you did?

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