08 | her name is elly <3

58 5 0

After Seven had profusely apologised for seeing you in a towel, and you forgave him, the topic of you being exposed completely vanished from conversation. You were thankful for that.

You went to bed around midnight and ended up missing out on some late conversation from Yoosung, who ranted lots about LOLOL and his guild mates. Seven later joined and exposed the fact that he sometimes played LOLOL, and was in fact #1 at the game.

It was around 9am when you woke up to Jaehee and Zen already in the chatroom.

Zen sent in a screenshot of a gossip article, and in the picture was Jumin eating lunch with his father and a celebrity woman, Glam Choi. You recognised her from TV interviews and a few popular shows that she has starred in.

[name] | haha, can't believe Jumin is just sat there on his phone at lunch lol

jaehee | Unfortunately, Mr Han is always in the scene whenever Mr Chairman changes his girlfriend.  Of course, I'm sure this isn't what Mr Han wanted...

zen | The paparazzi can be so crude, and the same goes for reporters

zen | I mean, the headline is "Mr Chairman's new girlfriend, divorce coming soon?" ugh

[name] | Isn't this their first time having lunch together? Bit dramatic of the reporters really

zen | Isn't it lololol

jaehee | Mr Han has been through this plenty of times before, but I can't imagine he will be too pleased about this.

jaehee | I pray he doesn't bring up cat projects again...

[name] | Oh, this must mean a lot more work for you then Jaehee :(

jaehee | Yes...

jaehee | I suspect I am about to be exhausted from answering phone calls at the office all day.

jaehee | I just hope the people on her side aren't the ones who sent out the article. That could cause... more problems.

[name] | Do you think they'd do that?

jaehee | It's possible.

jaehee | It's happened before where one woman purposely sent out false articles to have Mr Chairman for her own. It was chaos.

jaehee | It isn't good of me to be so suspicious, but I will have to look into this.

[name] | Jumin is lucky to have such an amazing assistant like you <3

zen | He doesn't deserve Jaehee

jaehee | Oh... thank you both.

jaehee | On another note... while reading past messages, I thought of something odd

jaehee | Should Luciel really be allowed a maid considering his line of work is very... sensitive?

[name] | What do you mean?

jaehee | He handles sensitive information, classified information... If an outsider has access to his house, the information he deals with has a higher risk of being leaked.

zen | Oh, right, he works in some super secret agency doesn't he? It's possible the maid could accidentally clean up classified and important documents.

[name] | I'm sure Seven is more than capable of handling his job and a maid. I mean, he knows what he's doing since it's his job...

[name] | Maybe the maid is specifically hired by the agency or something lol like a former secret agent or whatever

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