14 | ur acting strange

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With gentle hands and without speaking a single word, Seven carefully removed the gag from your mouth and untied your hands from behind your back.

You leaned your body into him instinctively, mind feeling fuzzy and your body very much unresponsive. It was difficult to truly comprehend what had just happened, with how quick it had transpired and how much danger you had truly been in.

There was a bomb put in place to protect the information stored inside the apartment.

A bomb.

For the past week or so, you had been living inside Rika's apartment, unaware of the bomb ticking away within the walls. You had slept here, cooked and cleaned and showered. You had called and messaged members of the organisation, living your life as if you weren't in constant danger of a bomb.

To make the situation worse, you had almost been kidnapped for the sake of that information. By someone from Seven's past.



You blinked slowly, lifting your gaze from the floor to see that Seven was watching your face carefully. His expression was twisted with guilt, his mouth set downwards in a deep frown.

This couldn't be easy for Seven, either. Seven didn't realise someone from his past had come back to haunt him like this, and from their conversation it sounded like it was deep history. You didn't understand most of it, but there must be some sort of trauma bond between them.

With a shaking arm, you gently placed your hand on Seven's cheek. He blinked in surprise, and you smiled slightly in the most kind way possible.

None of this was Seven's fault. Seven had warned you that he was dangerous to know. He had even said that his work could harm the people around him. You knew the risks and you had accepted them without hesitation. You couldn't back out from this now, not when you'd promised you didn't care about the darkness he worked for.

"Are you okay?" You asked carefully, voice soft and cautious for the fear of scaring Seven away.

Seven seemed taken aback by your question. As if he had been expecting you to say something else entirely. He recovered quickly, and shook his head, giving you the most honest answer he could offer in that moment without revealing too much.

"No. I'm a bit disoriented, actually," he admitted. You noted the soft lull to his voice, feeling your heart beat to a steadier rhythm. "But, shouldn't I be asking you that question?"

You managed a soft laugh, one that shouldn't have appeared in this moment. It seemed bizarre that you could suddenly feel so at ease despite those transpired events, but you knew deep down that nothing bad could happen again with Seven so close like this. He had rushed over here to protect you, and he kept his promise.

"I'm fine," you assured. "That was a bit scary, but I'm okay now that you're here."

Seven nodded his head slowly, letting your words sink in. His golden eyes roamed over you, taking in every detail and savouring it. It felt like he was genuinely analysing every inch of your face, and your body as his eyes moved downwards. Then, his eyes widened a fraction.

"You're bleeding."

"Huh?" You tilted your head down to look at yourself, now spotting the trail of blood dripping from your knees. You squirmed at the sight, feeling yourself grow dizzy.

You weren't very good with blood. Your own blood.

There were small shards of glass embedded in your knees, and you soon realised that it must have happened during your struggle with Unknown—or, you guessed his name was Saeran—earlier. You cringed and immediately glanced away, feeling your stomach churn from staring too long.

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