God's Little Angel - her White Journal - Chapter Two

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... I remember waking up in a patch of flowers at a few days old. I had a teddy with me and a dummy. To this day, whenever I doodle a picture, as I have drawn all my life, I draw that patch of flowers with blue bells on one side and flowers in yellow and white bloom on the other - and I draw the sun shining and birds flying in the clear blue sky.
That's when Theodore was there!!! He was the one who found me! This is the TRUTH!!!!!!! This is honestly as clear a memory to me, so clear that it is clearer than yesterday, but could have happened a minute ago. This is really what I remember EXACTLY. Please keep an open mind and Trust in me, believe every word.
I'll continue... Theodore must have told me his name, but I was too young to remember it. He held my in his arms... I wasn't crying... I was just looking at him in awe and unconditionally loving him and in wonder from him, for he was the most beautiful child that I had EVER seen or witnessed, and would remain the most beautiful person i would ever know throught an eternity and beyond... He comforted me, talking to me softly and gently, (he was about 7 years old than me, i think.) and he put his hand holding mine onto my heart and told me that he loved me and that I was safe, and his... and that he'd look after me, care for me... and from that moment on, Theodore has ALWAYS had my heart, for, he stole it from me... he stole my heart.

All I know is that he gave me the name Mary Rose Clement. he called me his Little ANGEL.

There was a fire... Theodore keeps telling me.. "Remember, Angel..." but I don't. I only remember two big doors and smoke pouring out. I remember being carried in Theodores arms, and then I remember at only a few days old, Theodore was taken away from me by this same "Tony" and we were sepated, and he went to Canada and was adopted... he was taken, kidnapped.. But at the same time as this was happening, Theodore was experencing exactly the same and LIVED, we were both back in the White Holy Light space near the gates of Heaven, walking with GOD and JESUS.... and I had my eyes closed the entire time, and i could see what he was seeing and experiencing. Theodore had his eyes closed the entire time,  as God had commanded because i could see through his eyes too and see that he was being shown murder videos and brutal rape and torture videos...and this was where we were when it was happening to us... with GOD... Theodore too could see God and Jesus and the gates of heaven, carrying him, passing him into each others arms while the attempted murder was happening...and then GOD opened our eyes.
He was far, far away, in canada and i would meet him online with the username "Noise." 
I'll let Archangel Michael confirm that all of this IS THE TRUTH.
For, we were targetted by who i now know are the Illuminati Mafia since my birth. They realised then that I could NOT be murdered, and nor could Theodore, and we were not the only ones... Zac Stibbs too could NOT be murdered, my mummyand my children CANNOT be murdered... for we are.. Vivid Angels. Angels who experice a life as a human being, as I'll explain.
The murderers tracked me down, and later Theodore down too... they targetted us our entire lives. Now, I am still awaiting being saved. 

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