God's Little Angels White Journal - Chapter Three

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My mum Lindsey and Alan were spoken to by GOD Allah The Almighty and were made to feel SUCH unconditional ultimate love for me, and I them - Love from God, from Gods Kingdom and Gods son.They bought me up and raised me  and I've never told them that i had a suspicion i had another mother and father... (I had that suspicion my entire life... but discarded it because simply...This I have also been curiously questioning) I grew up with Lindsey Mason and Alan Coles being my mum and dad, and I love them dearly and accept them as my real mum and dad, ...  They are my loves, my darlings, my dears. xxxxxxxxxx

We first lived in May bank Road, Yate, bristol, England. We were always travelling from England to Luxembourg to visit my grandad David Mason. In our home on May Bank Road, I remember my mum used to cook coconut mice all the time, and i remember crawling up to the attick to sit with my older brother Ben to play with lego... and I remember the backgarden with a weebly woobly playtoy, but I never liked going into the garden as I felt a very evil energy there... and sometimes saw a black figure... and my Guardian Angel used to hurry me back into the house. I'd feel frightened in the back garden.

I remember lots of disney films, especially The Massiah and The Miracle maker which was for children, and Joseph and His Multicolour Dreamcoat (musical), and I remember listening to music such as Radiohead, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Steriophonics and my favorite song Wouldn't It be Good To Be In Your Shoes by Nick Kirshaw.

 One day, late at night, I was meant to be sleeping upstairs, when I toddled out of bed to hearing screaming, screaming, screaming from downstairs...panic and crying and shouting... and I got to the stairs and it fell silent.. and I looked down through the gaps in the banisters, and I saw blood all over the sofas and floor, and I saw my mother and father there... gone to GOD... my Guardian Angel picked me up and in tears, put me back into my bed, and he put his hand over my eyes and I woke up the next morning... GOD had erased my memory of what I had witnessed completely... I knew Jesus had been prying by the side of my cot... all night long, Jesus was praying.
My mum and dad were there when I awoke, for, they were alive, GOD ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY had breathed life back into them, and all the blood was gone, as if nothing had ever happened... A miricle! To this day, their own memories have been erased too.
But then.... that's when they found me again, and the targetted murder carried on all my life.
In one of our trips to Luxembourg, I was in bed when my mum said she wanted to go out for a walk... I wanted to go with her... and I ran ahead down the stairs of my grandads house and was standing the other side of the road waiting for my mum to catch up. She closed the front door and swayed at the steps, holding onto the banister, and then she collapsed and fell down the steps, and she got a bruise on her forhead (she had bruises all over, and a beeding nose, poor little thing.. bless her.) and that bruise has never gone away to this day. 

A black entity had been behind my mum who had pushed her with simply a finger.. and she had fallen. She had the mark on her forhead since, I think, because she had faith that God would save her life, and jesus healed her. She could not see the man or... thing... it walked down the steps where she fell and over to me, and i ran past it and to my mumy side, looked back and it was gone.

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