Gods Little Angel: White Journal - Chapter 10

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When I was 12 years old, I went on an online chatroom called teenspot,and I spoke to a young man who went by the username NOISE and his e-mail address was clockwork.angels... I just looked at his photo and put my hand to my heart and knew that he was going to save my life... suddenly, there he was standing right next to me and he coverned my hand with his and held my heart. he has a black jacket on and a white shirt and dark jeans... he was the most beautiful person i had ever seen... he was the first person who had ever shown kindness to me, and he stayed standing by my side the entire time i was talking to him, smiling. I knew that this Noise was the person who had been watching me. I said one thing to him beside me, I asked, "are you him? You're an Angel, aren you?"
"I am." He was my True Love. This was GODS command: That now, I spoke to (Micheal) Theodore Joseph Clement. I met him online, and first of all he stood up for me arguing that GOD iS and to have FAITH and TRUST in God and God alone against an Athiest who was cursing us like you wouldn't believe, and he impressed me and i realised he was highly, highly, highly intelligent and i was absolutely mystified and enchanted by our conversation, for, i put my hand on my heart immediately when I saw the photo of him and my Guardian Angel took my hand and pressed down on my heart, and i put my hand outwards to a person watching me who i couldn't see... at heart level and back to my own heart, and from that moment on, this person had stolen my heart...... my Guardian Angel Michael Theodore and Noise Theodore had stolen my heart each........ and that I knew deep down........I didn't know that they were one and the same: One in the form of the Archangel Michael and Michael as a man experiencing life as a human being!! TRUTH!! (I know now.) and he had, actually, pysically, stolen my heart, and my heart was his and his heart was in mine from then on, for I was in love, truly, madly, deeply, for i would laugh and scream in complete joy, happiness and extacy when ever he was online, and jump and dance around the room with butterflies in my stomache and i'd talk NONE stop about him, so much that my sister Charlotte would say, "You're obsessed!!!"
"I'm in love!!!" i'd laugh back and sing merry songs, sipping on a brandy coke hahahah (yes, indeed, the right rebel i was, i was drinking brandy coke by the time i was 12 years old, for, In complete Truth, i even snuck it into school and got drunk there... or, tipsy, rather, but if i wasn't speaking to Noise, there was no other way i could be happy....)
One day Noise and I decided to be in a relationship, For, he was my first love......... and that's when he went missing........
I didn't know that Noise was the same boy who had saved me when I was a baby. His identity was hidden from me by the secret cult the illuminati mafia. His name on his ID said "Trevor" on msn and facebook. my gaurdian Angel told me, "I am Archangel Michael. I AM Theodore." and I jutśt called Trevor... NOISE!!!

He had also been tracked down and targetted by these cult members........ and when he went missing, i didn't know, but he had been threatened with murder and been told, "Her life or yours."
And he gave my life for me.
Another person took his account.... a person who i became friends with, and also loved dearly and was always exited and happy to talk to, but i knew he wasn't the same.... he too went to The Kingdom of GOD...........
One day after he left, (was obducted) I saw on his facebook that he had put he was in a relationship with another girl, and i went into the carpark late and night and cried my heart out more than i ever have, only once since, for about 5 hours staright, and there was a murderer standing right behind me with a knife in his hand, clooaked and caped... i didn't turn around untill i left, so i didn't know he was there.............. but he didn'T move.......... for God Allah The Almighty paralyzed him........ and held him back....... i should have died then and there, but GOD saved my life. Then, the person who i was speaking to and who was always watching me was beside me wearing a suit and tie, the most beautiful person i'd ever seen in my life, and he told me "I'm here.... it's alright. I love you. There is no other. Trust me." and he got me up and i saw the man and i ran and ran and ran with him leading me all the way, until i was safely inside, but then... a man was inside... in the kitchen... and this was AMAZING, like, this actually happened......!!!!!!!!!
The murderer threw a knife at me, and suddenly there was a clock in the corner of my sight, and the knife flew through midair in minutes that were seconds, and i caught it in mid air right before it hit my forhead, right infront of me, and threw it back at him, just missing him, and then my family (there was nobody at home) walked in through the front door, and he ran for it through the back of the garden................... I was to see these men many times again.
The experience was something from GOD....... and something i didn't know how i did it or had the capability to do, to slow a knife down in midair and catch it........ so i was more mystified about this, but the murderers had appeared a lot in my life, and I was terrified all the time.................... i was terrified........ all the time. Terrified. All the time. 

Then God had saved my life... and I looked back on the floor from the stars, walking away, and it was not a knife i had caught in midair... but a bullet.

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