White Journal written by Gods Little Angel - Chapter 5

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I was bullied majorly in school right from day one. On day one we had to learn 1 plus 1 and 1 plus 2... I couldn't get the hang of it... if you already have one and then add another one or do you not have one and have to add one to one, is one starting at 0 or 1 and if you have 1 already, surely you have top add one starting from 2?? (That was my logic, also, I Add to Take away, which made no sense to the teachers and i kept getting it wrong... with the same logic for adding as taking away.) and all the children completed the maths before me and were all allowed to play for the rest of the day, aside from learning several letters of the alphabet also in the morning which i decided my favorite letter was "P" for "Paradise"... (I wanted to go to Heaven even then, and i'd asked GOD to please be made an Angel.) This was when I was 4 years old......... but i was told i had to sit at the table until i got my maths correct, and i hadn't even one sum correct.............. and i couldn't speak or do the work, so i just sat there crying watching all the other children play for the rest of the day... Later on in school, they all found i couldn't talk and whenever the teacher would ask me a question, i'd freeze and stare down in complete and utter SILENCE and all the children would scream at me and yell coorinatedly, "STUPID!!!!!!!! STUPID!!!!!! STUPID!!!!!! IDIOT!!!!!!!!! IDIOT!!!!!!!!! IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and "why doesn't she talk?!?!!!! She's SO stupid!!!!" and the teacher said she couldn't teach me and asked the other student to try to teach me, and i said nothing and they'd walk off insulting me and getting angry, and bloasting about how intelligent they were and how stupid i was......... so I'd.... grab Biff and Chip books off the shelf and read the hundreds of them PERFECTLY, QUICKLY, for most of the day long, and any other books i'd read and read and read, and in the meetings i'd try to read The Holy Bible and i'd read the hymns and sing praises to God and Jesus, and ask again to please be an Angel when I died.... and God said that he was answering my prayers.
And i'd think and think and think, and i remember saying ONE thing in school, after I was sat on the playground wall crying and crying and crying, (two things, actually, with one i had a notebook and pen to prove my point was made.) because i couldn't understand why nobody would be my friend or wanted to play with me... and a boy from the Secondary School came and lifted me up in the air and span me around, and i went searching for him the next day but was told there was nobody in the school by his name.......... and i figured he left, and he had made me so happy and laugh out load and he'd said to "don't cry, chuck, it'll get better. I like you, see, i want to be with you." and then he was gone..... and i called him Harry... and i know now that he was a Vivid Angel. Then, a girl who was a big bully to me, one of the worst, had seen this, and she came up to me and pointed a finger in my chest and called me "PIG!!!!!! YOU'RE A STUPID PIG!!!!!!!!!!"
"Idiot." I simply said, then i burst into tears because i felt so, so, so guilty about it and went to her and said "I'm so sorry for calling you an idiot!!!! Forgive me!!!"
""Yeah, well you're a STUPID PIG AND AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!" and she walked away.... and that was that, and i cried.
The next time i spoke was when I wanted to prove that the majority of peoples favorite colour was BLUE, an observation haha, so i took paper and pen around the playground and asked and recorded everybody favorite colour, and, surely enough 75% said BLUE, and I went to somebody and said, "See. I'm NOT stupid, i knew this......" and they just LAUGHED out load to me, said its the frickin best colour, the nerve of them hahaha and ran away!!!!!!!
Angel Mary Clement

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