God's Little Angel - White Journal - Chapter 11

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More life in Luxembourg...................

My step dad Andy moved in with us, for I loved Andy dearly and he was like a second father to me, but he used to drink and get drunk and brutally violent, beating my mum and smashing windows and doors, and i remember we used to be told to go to bomi and alans house after school and not go home because it was so dangerous... one i told my younger sister to call the police because he was hitting my brother ben too and throwing him into the bath, and after that Andy was forced to move back to England, where he found that he loved my mum so much that he gave up drink completely when he came to visit us and although my mum would never allow him to move back in with us again, he'd stay sometimes for moths at a time and take an immediate flight back to England if the craving ever hit him again, for he too could quit and pick up smoking cigarettes from 40 a daay to zero nothing at all in a second, which he said he learnt how to do from reading Alan Carr's book on qutting smoking......which i've never read and intent on it.......... Andy turned into the best step father of all time, for he was a.w.e.s.o.m.e. but my younger sister Charlotte, as always, could hold grudges (as she did agianst Noise too for calling her too predicatable when they spoke online once hahahahahaha) and she would never see him again or speak to him...... if i could see my sister and Andy again, and I pray I do... I would beg and pray for and wish them to get on well, and i'd have my sister meet Theodore and i know she would forgive him......... but that's just how charlotte is. It's a strong part of her character, and she is absolutely LOVELY and PERFECT and the most SOCIABLE person otherwise, but never get on her bad side. Must take after Jennifer! haha. deary, deary me... the problems my family suffered... must be sorted out!
(my mum and dad rarely spoke and only casually and not always kidnly too since their devorce, for they said they would try to get on for the sakes of thier children... but otherwise... there were family problems eeevvvvveerryyywhhhheeereeee..!)
In school i was bullied so badly that I was vomiting in the bathrooms, passing out and self harming, so me ebing the right rebel that i am, simply said, at turning 14 years old, that i am simply never going back and refused to go to school!!! I dropped out then and there and i discussed this, very seriously, with my mum that morning and told her i was adamant about this - school was Hell on earth and i couldn't cope with it, i couldn't learn a simgle damn thing, and we agreed that i should do long distance learning with the Open University, and I had started courses in Psychology, maths, english and sociology, when I moved to England to live with my dad and he offered my work experience with him, and i got a volenteer job in a charity shop and so never completed the courses, i think not on only because of that but because the idea of the exam rooms absolutely PETRIFIED me and i KNEW i'd only FREEZE and PANIC the entire time, so i took kindly and gladly to work instead. (I'd done work in a riding home, a home with stables for family friends and i'd also done 6 weeks work experience in a creche in Luxembourg, working with all ages 0 to 5/6 for a week at a time each, and i'd done cleaning jobs, dog walking jobs and babysitting... so that was a good start.)
In the meantime, i'd met a young man called Daniel Baxter online and we become friends... and in England, we agreed to meet... but that was when, I had no idea, but the illuminati mafia secret cult acted... and murdered. 


(Archangel Michael) who is Theodore Joseph Clement (Vivid Angel) tells me not to write about Zac zac Zaccary Isaac Stibbs until the very end - he says no contact - but me being the right rebel that I am would like to write about him right now.
When I was 9 years old I met Zac. I was a very quiet and shy child, so at first I ran upstairs, running away from him, but he followed and told me that funniest joke i'd heard, and we both burst out laughing and he gave me a hug and since then..... we were together all the time, eternally inseparable, we were the closest best friends and Soulamtes each other had ever had, (but he knew my heart belonged to Noise - Michael - Theodore), we would be together whether it was cooking, cleaning, listening to music, dog walking, talking together, watching comedies....watching tragedies.... cycling, going into town and getting drunk... well, it was him who got drunk (this was later.) and made out with every girl he'd meet and all my friends while I sat at the table sipping a coktail and reading a book, and while he'd usually have to take me on the bus to get back, i clearly remember him being completely drunk and me having to take him back safely..... he was the most magnetic person one had ever met, very charasmatic, perfect in every way he is, the most gifted and tallented young man that anybody could ever meet and everybody fell in love with him instantly, for Zac could even turn straight men gay hahahaha and above all he was the best, greatest angel i had ever met in my life, along with and equal to Theodore (Michael) and my mummy Lorna Byrne, and he very, very, very, very, very faithful to GOD Allah The Almighty and His Son My Lord my Holy Jesus Christ, for all he ever did was good and all he ever was was good, and i love him dearly, and i remember saying to him once, "You are an Angel!"
and he just smiled at me and said, "Little do you know........" and then laughing, joking, danced around and took my hand and we continued joking and laughing for hours on end... for Zac and I only ever laughed and talked and talked... For he was Zac who taught me how to talk.
One day he got REALLY drunk, but he was COMPLETELY with it in his mind and body, thining completely straight and rationionally, and he asked me to marry him, and i thought he was joking, that it was the two bottle of whisky, so we moved on and i told him i'd ask him again the next day when we both hadn't been drinking, to see if he REALLY meant it....... but i completely forgot, and he was waiting..... the next day he had to leave. I haven't seen him since, and i will tell you why later. 

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