White Journal: Gods Little Angel - Chapter 8

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All through my childhood I remember travelling back and forth to Luxembourg and back to England to visit my grandad David Mason. i remember when my mum fell down the stairs and had blood pouring from her nose, and a mark on her forehead that has never gone away her entire life, and I remember being sting by hornets, and i especially remember the boy in the garden of Grandads house... he was a young child that my Aunt Katherine had seen who nobody else could see when she was a child, and all the previous children who lived in that house could see him and Katherine used to play with him, and whenever i looked out grandads windows i could see him in the garden climbing over to the cow field next door or walking along the side of the garden with a quirky little smilke on his face, and he had bright red hair and was only about 8 years old, and i remember that often when me and my brothers and sister went outside to play, he would follow us, and i think i'd mentioned it before that i could see him, and once i spoke to him and said "Hello. You're the boy my aunty katherine spoke about seeing, aren't you?"
(charlotte and david and ben COULDN'T see him..!) sadly.
"Yes, I am, " and he told me his name but it fail to remember these days, and he asked me, "Can i be your friend?" and i welcomed him gladly, and then charlotte and david came running up and said i have to go for dinner and Charlotte said, "I feel like we are being watched and followed...by someone..." and so i tol her it was the little boy that all the children here in this house had seen, and she wasn't scared anymore and just said, "Oh! Alright! Can you see him?"
"Yes, he's right behind us!"
I found out from GOD that he was a boy from The Kingdom of GOD who came to play with all the children who lived in his first home, and he was simply visiting from from Heaven....but i don't know why my brothers and sisters couldn't see him, when every other child had, and I saw him still up to the day my grandad moved away from that house, when he didn't wave goodbye because he was too upset that we were leaving..........
For he was... another Vivid Angel.
Grandad married a woman called Dagmar and she was a lovely, levely, lovely person and i took to her dearly and adored her, but my sister took a dislike to any new people and was very awkward... but it didn't take long for Dagmar to steal all of our hearts!


In the meantime, my mum - the background is - had lost contact with her mother Pamela Jean Carlisle when her and my Grandad got a devorce when she was a teenager due to him committing adultery... and we took holidays on the Isle of White (with my mum) and in Falmoth, Wales (with my dad) and when on The Isle of White, where my graet great garndmother lived with Poppa, my mum finally met and spoke to her mother for the first time in over 20 years.... and they were instantly in love and reunited as a family, and slowly my aunt Katherine met her again too, and they were both very close, but to this day the eldest of the three girls, my aunt Jennifer, would never speak to Bomi. (we call our grandmother Pamela BOMI. This is Luxembourgish for grandmother.)
Poppa was also living with granny, and i have memories of him giving us chocolate chip buicuits and of talking to my family while we played in the garden, and ummm yeeahh shouting at me when i played his grand piano with dirsty hands haha and I loved my Poppa and my Granny (Michael and Muriel Rice) very, very, very, very, very much... but Poppa sadly was taken to The Kingdom of GOD when i was a young child... for GOD had work for him to do for GOD Allah The Almighty there... To be a witness to everything that would happen to me and to our family, and fight our case in GODS court in Heaven. And Poopa accepted Gods offer and left us... for he knew it was important... and that he had something he must do... but he never left granny, and often i would see a man in white with my granny in the bedrooms, and standing by her side and deep down, I knew this was Poppa, and evry night before Granny went to bed she would kiss the photo of Poppa and tell him that she loved him - for they were True Loves, and she never loved another.
Bomi later married a man called Alan, the man who she had had an affair with who my grandad never had any contact with... either of them... and they not him.... but Alan was a very kind, gentle, good and kind hearted, serious yet humerous man with a heart of pure gold and i loved him just as dearly as all of my family and considered him my real grandad, and to be honest, the idea of always calling him "Alan" was from my younger brother David, but now when i talk about him i always say "my grandfather"! They moved to Luxembourg before we did...

For, we moved to Luxembourg when I was 9 years old to live in the same country as my mums parents. At first we lived in a village called Larochette, but later we moved to Haller, and lived on the same road as my bomi and grandfather.
(My mum was offered work there, you see, and we would have the chance to get to go to one of the best schools in the world - The European School of Luxembourg in Kirchberg, near the city of Luxembourg......... but it wasn't any good for me.)


my holidays in Falmoth were some of the Happiest times in my life. There, the murderers never were, but I remember feeling scared often......... I know something evil, something unspeakable was watching me....... constantly....... i could feel it......... the worst evil of all time was following me everyhere i went....... all through my life...... and even in Falmoth, though, i'd forget it at times and not worry, for we'd go rock climbing and cannuing and swimming in the sea, and into Falmoth center to the beer gardens where we'd have beer (I started drinmign beer by the time I was 8 years old hahahaha... my dad was A Right Rebel and he allowed it...) and have full Steak and kidney puddings with baked beans, chips, fish fingers, bacon, cheese bites, salads, everything, and i'd walk through fields of flowers and high on the cliffs eating clotted cream ice cream and watch films on large screen in the barn, and watch the cows being milked early in the morning, and take tractor rides, and we'd sleep in tents and i'd scream over big spiders and i'd yell for my dad and then my dad would scream over big spiders and he'd call for James and James would comment on the huge big spider and he'd call Josh... hahaha...(james, josh and tomare my cousins.) and i'd spend hours at a time in the evening playing on the swings (i LOVED playing on swings as a child, i'd play for hours at a time all the time, whenever around...!) but i'd soon feel the presence sometimes... and i'd be scared off and would run away, and all through my life i kept seeing black figures..... now, in Luxembourg, that black figure spoke to me... and that's when i saw him...the angel of light, protecting me from the black figure who left for some time afterwards........

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