White Journal - Gods Little Angel - Chapter 14

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I was led by my Guardian Angel Michael to the landing one morning, early on.... Caitlin was still fast asleep in bed... And I overheard one of the SUPPOSED "social workers" (the social worker had really been killed and was in The Kingdom of GOD...) say to the people at the reception desk, !Who were in SHOCK, thie reaction, because they couldn't see why anyone would want to take Caitlin away from me!!!! TRUTH!!! - that they were coming in a group to take caitlin away from me perminatly that very afternoon, put her up for Forced Adoption, and that I would NEVER see her again, and NOT to tell me anything - this was to be done in Secret!!!! - I IMMEDIATELY ran back into the appartment and in a comoplete PANIC and URGENCY called my mum!!! She called Ian Josephs who told her that I MUST run away with Caitlin this very second with No Time To Waste and go back to her in Luxembourg, and so we called Shana (The passport for Caitlin had arrived just days earlier, which wasn't a coisadence either!!! Nor was it a coinsadence that i had a matter of hours to escape the secret cult from Illegally kidnapping my daughter and nor was it a coinsadence that the bins just happened to be around the corner and out of sight of the appartments...Il tell you) Shana came to us by car. I packed up all of our belongings and put them into bin bags and took caitlin out ina car seat telling them i was just taking the rubbish out and going to visit Shana for a few hours, back in the afternoon.... and we put it all into Shanas car, and Shana drove us as far as the Eurostar (Eurotunnel) where my mum drove all the way from Luxembourg to meet us, and took us the rest of the way back home. We were safe and happy there, although my grandmother took me to France to her holiday home with caitlin for the first three days jjust incase the police came to take her away... and then we returned home once the police had been to see my mum and said there is NO PROBLEM with Caitlin staying with her nor myself, and left it at that.
Now, "Daniel" had demanded his name on the birth cirtificate, which to this very day I strongly REGRET doing!!! (REMOVE IT!!!) And what I also didn know was.... this was yet another "daniel".... for the "daniel" Caitlin and I were with had been killed by the cult he was in and why? Because he didn't succeed in murdering Caitlin and I. THIS IS THE TRUTH!!! FOR GOD KNOWS I SPEAK TRUTH!!! This new actor of "daniel baxter" ordered back the "social workers" (who DIDN become involved immediately, but..) He took us to court to try to get Caitlin to rturn to England with him, and the court ordered social worker involvement eventually.... Well, all saide from the 5 year court case which eventaully WON, we had very, very, VERY, VERY, VERY happy, joyfulm blissful, Perfect lives, for Caitlin was loved by everyone and everyone was as in love with her as I was, and she was the best cared for little baby and toddler one could have ever seen, always and forver smiling and laughing and nobody had ever seen her cry unless she fell over or... if ever she was seperated from me, she would cry suffering seperation anxiety, for i think... Caitlin, being my psychic secret, even knew back then that there was something happening... her first word was "Bubbles", then "Mummy", and then a word so long i'd have to search the dictionary for it and i've only ever read it in a dictionary, I think, so the word fails me but it began with a "d" and i think it was an insult hahahaha so I had NO IDEA where she got that from, but i assume dthat my older brother Ben had taught her it as he was Always trying to teach her long and complicated words, saying she will grow up educated!!! hahahaha! Bless him. My mum fell in love with Caitlin the most............ she adored her, absoltely ADORED her and loved her like her own child.
Early on in the court case, shortly after arriving in Luxembourg, after we been there for about a week ("daniel" had acted Immediately, the nerve of the man!!!!) my mum told me that togteher with her advice and the advice of the SKASS worker Marise hanson (who WAS a good SKASS worker, but sadly she stopped working with us...) it was best for me to hand over the care and custody of Caitlin to her so that it could be seen by the courts that Caitlin was in the care of somebody who had a home and an income and was thier family member, and this would work in our favour and stop Daniel from having her returned to the UK to be with him... and myself, wanting to do anything to protect my daughter, agreed to this.... (i didn't have my OWN home per se nor a work or income aside from the 700 euros a month child benefit for Caitlin-Rose... and then my mum got that instead.) and that is and was the REAL reason for my children origionally not ebing in my care. For, in Truth, this is the Truth.
It was NEVER that I was a "bad" parent.... it was that I just wanted to keep my daughter safe and stay together with her, and this was my mums only intention too, for she said she would give back care as soon as the case was over... but she didn, as something terrible happened. 

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