Chapter 1: How was your break?

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Monday, January 7th, 2023
Wednesdays POV:

The break was tolerable. I spent most of my time improving different skills, intellectual and physical, too many close calls last semester and that can't happen again.

I was going to keep in touch with Enid over break, but Pugsley broke my phone, and I wasn't bothered enough to fix it. For a while, I was pleased without having the obligation to keep in contact. However, when I realized how much time I actually spent with her at Nevermore that quickly changed. So, I wrote her a letter, sent it to her via pigeon, and never heard back. For a second it crossed my mind that maybe she never learned how to write a proper letter, but her formality in writing wouldn't have stopped her from responding if she had read mine.


I open up the door to our dorm room. Still the same as we left it. The sunlight shines brightly through the window as I carry one bag at a time over to my empty bed. I can hear people chatting and roaming around in the hallway outside my door. Every time I hear someone walk by; I find myself looking over to the entrance.

A few minutes later I hear the door open. I pause my unpacking and turn around. I'm greeted by Enid, smiling as she always is. She tosses her bags off to the side and runs to me with her arms out. I don't like hugs, or touch in general, but with her it doesn't feel like someone is invading my person space, instead it feels like she's supposed to be there.

"Howdy Roomie!" She says excitedly, pulling me into strong embrace. When I don't hug her back, she quickly let's go and looks at me with expression of realization. "Wait, sorry I forgot that you don't like hugs."

"Not necessarily." I say in return. Her expression changes to confused as I stand there.

"You do like hugs, Since when?" She asks, back to her normal expressions.

"Like is a strong word."

"Mhm, so I'm assuming I can't hug you...?" She asks unsure of herself. I contemplate for a second before fully responding.

"I wouldn't say that."

"Wednesday I'm really going to need a clear answer here." She says slightly laughing to herself. I take a moment to look at her, see how she's changed in the weeks we've been apart. To start her scars are looking better. Must be that accelerated healing, you can only truly see them if you knew what you were looking for. The pink and blue tips of her hair are brighter. She probably redyed them over the break, I know she likes to do that a lot.

She just looks...happier. I wonder what changed over break.

"Uh, Wednesday?" She asks. I snap out of my thoughts and focus back in on reality.


"About the hugging?" She reminds me. I nod my head in acknowledgment. I'm not sure how to express my opinions on her hugs. So instead, I take a small step towards her. She looks at me with another confused expression. I sigh and take a bigger step. I watch as a wide smile forms on her face before she pulls me in for another hug. "Yesss, just tell me if you change your mind!"

I stand still as her head rests on my shoulder and her hands wrap around my upper back. I can't help but notice my body feels slightly less tense.

"I certainly will."



I step back from my bed as I look at my half of the room in awe, so put together, so muted, so eerie, it's horrific. I hold back a smirk. I walk over to my desk and gently pull out my chair, looking forward to documenting on paper my pride on my room.

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