Chapter 2

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A/N I wanna add that yes, Zoe and Percy know each other in this and the kids are aware but I'm now too lazy to find somewhere I could put it that it makes sense.

Lucy's POV

I've been back at school for two weeks and the more time I spend around Tim Bradford the more he is on my mind. He is so incredibly handsome and so kind to me, in a way no male has shown me other than Wade.

"How do you get more pretty every day?" Tim chuckles as I walk up to the table and sit down in my usual seat.


"Oh, uhmm." I stutter.

Damnit Lucy! Pull it together.

"I think you broke her." Genny giggles.
"I've just never been called pretty by a male. Well, I have but I don't want him to call me pretty." I say.
"So you want me to call you pretty?" Tim smirks.


"I-uh... um," I say eyes wide.
"Tim stop confusing the poor girl." Nolan chuckles.
"I'm just saying if she would give me some signs that would be nice." Tim shrugs.
"So does that me you at least sorta like her?" Angela smirks while I just sit there wide-eyed.
"Hmm. She is really pretty, even gorgeous. Cute eyes, a good personality." He shrugs.
"Ok, but like she looks nothing like Ashley or Isabel," Nyla states.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Tim asks.
"You clearly like Barbies! You even let Isabel take your V-card!" Angela chimes in.
"EWEWEWEW! Don't talk about my brother like that when I'm here!" Genny exclaims making me laugh.

We continue talking when behind me I hear someone speaking.

"Yo, Orphan." The male chuckles but we all ignore it figuring it's to do with someone else.

Suddenly my hair is being yanked making me leap out of my seat and stand up.

"What was that for man!?" Tim yells at him.
"Bitch wasn't answering me. Now orphan kid I wanna know how your new mummy is treating you. Better than your last parents? She make you cut your little wrists still?" He smirks making me tense up.

How the hell does he know that?

"Fuck off Stanton," Tim growls.

He stands up and stands next to me.

"Why are you protecting the fucking bitch? With the way she looks, she's practically begging to be bullied." Stanton laughs.

Suddenly Tim's fist meets his face and suddenly everyone crowds by cheering. I want to leave but I'm frozen still.

"Ahh, is Orphan your new little fuck buddy?" Stanton chuckles.

I want to defend myself but I'm too scared to.

"What's going on over here?" A teacher asks.

"Stanton is picking on Lucy," Tim says.
"Doug, leave her alone." The teacher says.

He scoffs but walks off just like everyone else and I snap into action. I turn and grab my bag off the back of my seat and I try to walk off but Tim grabs my wrist making me yank it back but turn.

"What," I say, trying to hold in tears.
"Where are you going?" He asks softly.
"Home before someone else says something about me." I sniffle.
"Lucy, listen. No one is going to say anything about you, Stanton is just a dick. And if anyone does say something then let them it just shows you they're not a friend of yours. We would never say something like that and that's what matters." Tim tells me.
"Ok. I'm still going home though, I just want my bed." I say after a moment.
"I could drive you," Tim suggests.
"Uh, sure. If you don't mind it would be nice." I tell Tim with a soft smile.
"Bye, guys. I'll be back soon." Tim says as we walk off.

Tim leads me to his truck in the school car park and we both get in. I give him directions back home and we eventually get back to mine.

"Thanks for driving me home," I say.
"Of course. You alright from here?" Tim asks with genuine concern.
"My doors right there. I'm fine." I giggle.
"Right. Cya Luce." He says.


"Cya Timmy." I giggle as I walk close the car door.

And I definitely notice Tim waiting until I'm inside to drive back to school.

For the rest of the day, I just chill out in my room and wait for Zoe.

"I'm home school skipper!" Zoe calls out when she gets home.
"Hey," I say from the couch.
"So..." She says.
"Some boy was being rude. I just wanted to be home." I frown.
"How'd you get here? Did you walk five kilometres?" Zoe asks.
"I had a friend drive me," I tell her.
"If you have a friend who can drive you can get them to drop you home more. It will save my officers time." Zoe says.
"I'll ask him." I nod.
"Alright. I'll go get dinner ready." Zoe says.
"I'm actually not hungry." I lie remembering what Doug had said earlier.
"I'm just gonna go to bed. Good night." I smile slightly.
"Alright. Good night kid." She nods and I head upstairs to my room.

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