Chapter 6

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Lucy's POV

A few days later, I'm sitting in English, and our teacher is reading us a poem for our poetry unit.

The second she starts reading I feel targeted. It's about child abuse. As I listen the words cut deeper and deeper. There are some other kids in the back snickering at the thought of a kid getting beat but all I can think about is trying to calm myself. I try to calm my breathing like my therapist taught me but it doesn't work as all I can hear in the background is the teacher reading away obliviously. I can't handle it anymore and I start shoving shit in my bag and then I stand up and storm out. I walk the five-kilometre home without even realising it because I'm trying my best not to break down on the side of the road. 

Before I know it I'm on the floor of my room sobbing as I bring my blade to my arm. As I slice my arm all I can see in my head is my parents. I can hear all the horrible things they've said too. I have no idea how long I'm sitting on my floor alone, cutting my arm and sobbing then suddenly I hear a voice.

Tim's POV

I'm waiting at our table for Lucy but she doesn't show and I'm starting to get worried.

"Where's Luce?" I asked Genny, knowing she was in class with her.
"I dunno. In English, she stormed out while Miss was reading a poem." Genny shrugs.
"What was the poem about?" I ask curiously.
"Child- Ohmygod." Genny gasps.
"Child abuse." She whispers.

I grab my phone and open Snapchat Maps, knowing she has it on for me and I see she is at home. I'm out of my seat in an instant. I grab my bag and dash off.

I get in my car and drive over to her house. I see a room upstairs that looks like the one she showed me the other day so I climb a tree and over onto the roof. I look through her window and see Lucy on the ground against her bed, blood running down her arm as she cries. I quickly open her window and climb in.

"Luce," I say softly as I slowly approach her.

Her head jolts up and she gasps when she sees it's me.

"Tim." Lucy sobs.
"Baby, can you put that down?" I ask gently.

She looks down and then flinches back, dropping the blade.

"Fuck." She sobs.
"Baby, where is a medical kit?" I ask her.
"B-bathroom. Down the hall." Lucy whispers.
"I'll be back," I tell Lucy then I open her door and go down the hall, frantically trying to find the bathroom. 

I find it and start looking in the cabinets for it. I grab it and run back to Lucy's room where she's sobbing. It crushes my heart. 

"Can I clean you up, sweet girl?" I ask.
"Y-yeah." She sniffles.

I gently clean her arm with wipes and then I wrap it in gauze. I throw the bloody wipes into her trash can and then I pull off my hoodie.

"Arms up," I tell Lucy.

She complies and I slip my hoodie onto her.

"Th-thank you," Lucy whispers as she snuggles into it.
"Wanna lie down and have some cuddles?" I ask.
"Yes please." Lucy nods as she pushes herself off the ground.

We both kick off our shoes and climb into her bed.

"Jeez, you might not get me out of this bed. It's so comfy." I chuckle as she settles into my arms.
"Zoe only wants the best for me." Lucy giggles a little.

"Tim, can I tell you about my past?" Lucy asks after a second.
"If you would like to, but you absolutely don't need to tell me if you don't want to," I tell her.
"I want to. For as long as I could remember when I was bad I would get spanked. Then when I got a bit older the punishments got more severe, like they would put me in this tiny ass closet and leave me there. They also started hitting me and that kind of stuff. When I was 10 they started to feed me less claiming I was too big and they would constantly call me names. They got controlling and made me feel like I was in the wrong. When I turned 13 they just stopped letting me eat at all, like they only fed me enough so I wouldn't die. They were heavily neglecting me and spending more time with work than me and when they were around they were physically or verbally abusing me. One day a noise complaint was called to our house and the cops came. Zoe and Wade. They took me away and I was put into foster but they also didn't give a shit so I ended up on the streets for two years. Then one day Zoe was on a run and saw me on the ground. I told her about my foster family and then she adopted me." Lucy says whilst sniffing.


I knew it was bad but not that bad.

"I'm so sorry Luce. You're so fucking strong baby." I tell her.
"I like it when you call me baby," Lucy whispers randomly.
"Hm? Is that so baby?" I ask.
"Yeah." She nods sleepily.

I gently kiss her head and we both settle in.

I hear her breath even out and shortly after I drift to sleep.

Zoe's POV
When I arrive home I go straight upstairs to Lucy's room because earlier I got texts about her not attending most of her classes.

I open the door and the second I walk in I see a second body in her bed, cuddled up with her as they both sleep. 

What the fuck?

"Lucy, are you going to introduce your friend to me?" I ask loudly.

Lucy's POV
I jolt awake at the sound of Zoe's voice. 
"Fuck!" I say as I shove myself away from Tim.
"Shit," Tim says when he notices Zoe standing at the door.
"Mum, we can explain! We weren't fucking or anything I swear!" I exclaim.
"Is this the boyfriend?" She asks.
"Yep. This is Tim. Please don't shoot him." I beg.
"Hi, ma'am." Tim shyly says.
"So what is Tim doing in your bed?" Zoe asks.
"Something happened at school, I left, Tim came here and comforted me," I tell Zoe.
"What happened?" Zoe asks, concerned.
"The teacher read a poem about child abuse and it triggered me. I wasn't thinking and I came here and cut." I sniffle. "Tim stopped me and cleaned me up. Then we just cuddled." I finish.
"Are you ok?" She asks while Tim sits there awkwardly.
"I guess." I shrug.
"Uhmm, should I go?" Tim asks.
"Yes," Zoe says but at the same time, I say no.
"Umm." Tim chuckles awkwardly.
"Stay please," I say sadly.
"I guess he can stay." Zoe sighs.
"Thank you." Tim smiles.
"But you two are going to the lounge room," Zoe says, hounding us out of my room.

I lead Tim to the lounge room. We both lay down on the couch and curl up together.

For the rest of the afternoon, we spend it cuddling on the couch, watching TV while Zoe hovers over us. And after Tim left if I cried for half an hour because I missed him already then that's for me to know and no one else to.

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