Chapter 11

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A/N I'm loosing sm motivation for this story so this is the last chapter. I know this is abrupt but I don't wanna keep going with new storylines and twists when I may lose full motivation and then want to ditch this work so I've decided to make this the last chapter. Ty for all the support on this fic, ly all!

Lucy's POV

My eyes flutter open however many hours later. I'm instantly blinded by the bright white lights making me wince and burrow my face in the warm body next to me.

"You're awake!" I hear Tim chirp.
"You're in my bed." I giggle, bringing my face out of hiding.
"You were distressed in your sleep so we got Tim to hop in there with you. Worked like magic." Zoe laughs.
"Shut up. Can I go home?" I ask.
"They need to run some tests and if they come back clear you will be able to leave. You do have a concussion so you need to take it easy." Zoe tells me.
"Nah, I'll be right. I've had worse." I shrug.
"Luce. Just take it easy. It's an excuse to be lazy." Tim says softly but sternly.
"Fine." I huff.

The next few hours are full of doctors and nurses poking and prodding at me but finally, I'm allowed to go home. Tim happily carries me out to the car. When we get home I'm set up in the lounge room so everyone can keep a close eye on me. I hate it but it's still better than the hospital. 

Tim's POV
It's around 7 and I'm curled up with an asleep Lucy while Zoe and Genny flip through the TV channels trying to find a movie when Lucy starts thrashing against me whilst sobbing.

"Luce?" I ask, alarmed but she doesn't answer.
"Must be a nightmare," Zoe says as she climbs next to Lucy.
"Shhh, it's ok Luce. You're safe." Zoe says and I quickly follow, trying to calm a distraught Lucy.

Suddenly Lucy jolts awake and frantically moves away from us.

"Hey, hey. It's just us." I say gently as she shakes and sobs.
"Tim." Lucy whimpers.
"Come here bub," I tell her, opening my arms.

She crawls into my arms and melts into my embrace as I gently rock her.

"Luce. I'm going to book you into a therapist. I have to I'm sorry." Zoe tells Lucy.
"A nice one?" Lucy whispers.
"I promise."

Lucy's POV
Two days later, I'm walking out of my first therapy appointment and I'd say it went really well. We got through lots of stuff and Mia my therapist is super nice. That night we are all eating dinner when I finally talk about something my therapist said.

"You have to buy me a dog," I smirk.
"Do I now?" Zoe laughs.
"Mia said they are good for trauma recovery. Also if I was to get diagnosed with PTSD if I wanted to I could train the pup to be a working dog." I shrug, moving my food around my plate.
"What breed would you want?" Zoe asks.
"Seriously? You would let me get a doggie?" I ask excitedly.
"I wouldn't mind having a dog. Also if they were going to be beneficial to your mental health then I'm more than happy to get you one." Zoe says.
"Well, I do love golden retrievers. I could dye their tail to be pretty. I've also always loved the name Kojo for a precious boy." I shrug.
"What are we going to name our first boy then?" Tim smirks.
"I'm not a boot! Behind every teenage girl, there's a list of baby names, I've got 12 boy names. We aren't having that many boys." I laugh.
"Should I be putting Lucy on birth control?" Zoe asks making me go bright red.
"Mum!" I whine.
"Lucy's choice." Tim shrugs.
"How gentlemanly of you." Genny laughs.

A month later Tim, Genny and I arrive home and notice Wade, Percy and Zoe's cars in the driveway.

"The fuck?" I say.

We all head in and as soon as we walk through the door a golden retriever puppy runs over.

"OMG!" I squeal as I drop to the ground and pull the puppy into my arms.
"Meet Kojo!" Zoe says.

I instantly start sobbing as the puppy licks my face.

"Is it mine?" I ask.
"No, it's the milk mans." Wade deadpans.
"Thank you so much!" I cry.

Tim and Genny sit next to me and coo over Kojo.

That night before bed Tim and I are cuddled up in my bed with Kojo between us while we listen to music. I lean over and kiss Tim, suddenly Zoe jumps onto my bed.

"What are we doing?" She smirks.
"I was giving him a kiss." I roll my eyes.
"They make out in here when I shower too," Genny smirks from her bed as she types out an essay.
"Hmm?" Zoe hums highly. "What else goes on in this bed?" Zoe asks through gritted teeth.
"NOTHING," I snap making everyone flinch. "Shit, fuck. Sorry, sorry sorry I di-"
"Shh. It's ok Lu, I was the one pushing." Zoe says rubbing my thigh making me sigh with relief.
"I'm gonna let you two get off to sleep now, you have school tomorrow." She tells us.
"Wait. Can Tim stay? I think I need boyfriend cuddles tonight. I had a bad day." I pout giving Zoe a sad look.
"Alright." Zoe nods.

Since the whole incident, Tim has slept in our room a lot. Zoe tries to keep the boundary of sleeping in our separate rooms but she's also a sucker for my pouts. 

"Love you!" We both grin.
"Love you three too. Finish your essay then bed Miss Gen," Zoe says to Genny who nods.

Tim moves me so he's spooning me and then I cuddle with Kojo and it's perfect.

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