Chapter 14

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Lucy's POV
For the next two days, I spend much time in bed cuddling with Kojo. I don't even know what I think about it. Blankness.

"Hey, Luce... Dinner is ready." Tim says softly after who bloody knows how long of just staring. 

I nod slightly and roll out of bed. I leave the room and head down to the dining room, Kojo following right behind me. I plop down in my seat and start eating. Tim sits next to me and lightly rubs my back as I eat.

"You look like shit," Genny says.
"Whatever," I grumble.
"So. Luce. Tomorrow you have to be up, ready and out of bed by 2 pm," Zoe tells me.
"What? Why?" I ask.
"Uhm. You have a therapy appointment." Zoe tells me.
"No! I don't want fucking therapy!" I frown.
"Lucy..." Tim starts but I don't want to hear it.
"I don't want to go! I'm fine!" I exclaim.
"Luce. You're depressed. You're not sleeping. You need help! Now you can get up by yourself or I will drag you out of bed." Zoe tells me.

I just stand up and rush back upstairs, sick of this conversation.


Hours passed but it felt like minutes. 

There's a soft knock on my door and Zoe comes in.

"You have an hour before we leave." She tells me.

I just grumble and get up.

I go to Tim's room where he's lying shirtless on his bed while he sits on his phone.

"Luce! Your up! Hey!" He smiles.
"Clothes?" I ask.
"Do you want a hoodie?" He asks.
"Yes. And I was hoping you could pick me an outfit. I don't want to pick." I say.

Tim nods, pulls a hoodie off the ground and then grabs my hand. He leads me over to my room and I sit on my messy bed. He goes through my closet and picks out an outfit. 

"Thanks," I whisper.
"Of course. Go shower bub." He tells me.

I take a shower and when I go back to my and Genny's room I notice my side of the room has been cleaned. My bed sheets are changed and all the dishes and mess have been picked up off the floor.

"I thought you might enjoy a clean space," Tim says.
"I... Yeah, I guess." I shrug.
"Zoes waiting for you downstairs." He adds.

I turn to face him.

"Could you come?" I ask nervously. 
"Yeah, sure. If you would like." Tim smiles softly.

I give him a quick hug and then we head downstairs. Zoe hands me my leftover dinner from the night before which I blankly eat. After I'm done Zoe drives us over to the therapist's office. We head inside and wait till I'm called and Zoe, Tim and I go in. 

"Alright. Hi Lucy, I'm Emily and I'll be your therapist." The woman smiles.
"Hi," I grumble, not wanting to be here.
"So. Who is this young gentleman next to you?" Emily asks.
"That Tim. He's my boyfriend." I smile slightly.
"Ooo, we got a bit of a smile." She smiles proudly making me giggle.
"So, why don't we start by telling me what happened?" Emily asks.

I tell her all about my parents and how I've been feeling and how I got to the bridge.

"I haven't been sleeping because of nightmares. All day if I'm not seeing blankness I'm having flashbacks. That's it." I add finally.
"Have you been feeling depressed?" Emily asks.
"I guess," I whisper and shrug.
"Alright. So, I'd like to have you evaluated for PTSD." She tells me.

I just nod.

The rest of the appointment flies by and I'll admit, afterwards I feel a bit lighter but also so emotionally drained.

"How about some ice cream?" Zoe suggests.
"Sure." I shrug.

We go get some ice cream then we go home and I straight to my room. After a bit, Tim comes in, crawls into my bed and spoons me. I make a curious sound.

"You need sleep." He whispers. "You always fall asleep in my arms." He adds.

I turn around, wrap my arms around him and snuggle into his chest.

5 Minutes later I'm out.

Tim's POV
I'm not tired so I just lay there with Lucy in my arms for hours. I eventually fall asleep but when I wake up she's still out. I smile knowing she hasn't had nightmares and she's getting the sleep she desperately needs.

A/N PS! I made a TikTok account! @B4dwr1t3r and on there you will be able to DM me with ideas and I'll be able to post stuff about new chapters, maybe some polls and lots of stuff hopefully! So go follow if you'd like!

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